Tuesday 22 April 2008

Mecca Mean Time

From the BBC:
Muslim scientists and clerics have called for the adoption of Mecca time to replace GMT, arguing that the Saudi city is the true centre of the Earth.
It's the sort of statement where the only reasonable response is a long, blank stare.


Anonymous said...

looking at the article, it appears this claim is based on the coincidence that the natural movement of the earths magnetic field means that the magnetic north pole currently lies on the longitude line occupied my Mecca. Presumably the earth's magnetic field will now be fixed for all eternity... or maybe Mecca will be moved to keep up with it

Sergej said...

Huh? MNP is in Hudson Bay. Mecca is in Arabia. Not the same place.

Now, Minnesota has close to zero magnetic deviation. Maybe we should move Zulu time to Minneapolis? I'm sure the mooses and the loons and the Crow T. Robots will think it a good idea.

Wunderbear said...

"Presumably the earth's magnetic field will now be fixed for all eternity... or maybe Mecca will be moved to keep up with it."

That sounds like an awesome idea. I for one am proposing that the buildings and land of Mecca be made mobile, by means of giant mechanical spider legs.