Sunday 18 February 2007

The Royal (Belgian) Navy

The First Sea Lord, Sir Jonathon Band has said that if the scheduled budget cuts go through, he will resign rather than see the Royal Navy reduced to the size of Belgium's.

If Britain's defence budget were even a modest fraction of her GDP and if the government ceased to use its procurement programmes to cook the treasury's books and curry favour with the EU, the Royal Navy would have a hundred first-class fighting ships, a state-of-the-art satellite network, and four strike carrier groups (that's groups, not carriers) at its disposal.

Instead, we're using Nelson's sarcophagus as a piss pot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That does it; anyone willing to go hawk the Ark Royal before the Blairists turn it into a Channel ferry, stand and be counted.

Nelson DID his damn duty.