Saturday, 10 February 2007

Freedom is Slavery, Tyranny is Tolerance...

Maximilian Pakaluk on the misguided "Equality Act" that is already forcing Christian adoption agencies to close up shop because they cannot in good conscience place children with homosexual couples:
If the aim of this British law were merely to ensure that the provider of some good or service cannot refuse to deal with a person because of moral objections to that person’s behavior that are irrelevant to the transaction, it would be a curious law, addressing no obvious problem. As this adoption issue makes clear, the motivation behind this law is the idea that it is wrong to object to homosexual relations, even if only in defense of the traditional understanding of marriage. Tolerance is set up in opposition to traditional Judeo-Christian morality. Homosexuality is welcomed into the public sphere, and traditional morality is restricted to the private sphere. This is a mistaken understanding of tolerance, and its main effect is to root out from society its traditional moral identity.
The question of how far homosexuality should be tolerated in our society is a legitimate one to be debated and decided in a democratic fashion, but an act of Parliament that tries to settle the matter by turning tolerance into totalitarianism and relegating Christian morality to the level of thoughtcrime does no one good in the long run. Indeed, it may do worse in the short run if it turns out that Muslim organisations are not equally forced to practice "tolerance" out of "tolerance".

Let's see whose pressure group trumps whose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And John Locke came from this country!!?