Wednesday 12 July 2006

First They Came for the Smokers and I Said Nothing...

A New York City politician who suffers under the delusion that the people exist to serve him rather than vice versa has his knickers in a twist because the masses refuse to eat the healthy, whole-grain way he would prefer them to and has decreed that this will not be allowed.

In keeping with the logic of all good little totalitarians, health committee chairman Joel Rivera wants to change the local zoning laws to restrict the number of fast-food restaurants on the grounds that he, of course, knows better than the citizens his subjects, who clearly cannot be trusted with something as dangerous as freedom of choice. Says Mr. Rivera,

What I want to do is limit the number of fast-food establishments within specific proximity of each other, and try to give incentives for healthy alternatives, and give people choices.

"Incentives" that no doubt will look more like fines and "choices" that translate into "you can eat whatever you want, so long as it's what I decide is best."

It must make New Yorkers feel so secure that their masters care about them so much.

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