Sunday 16 July 2006

Exhibit A

A New York Times photographer stood quietly by and snapped pictures while a Jihadist sniper was taking aim at American troops. Worse, the Times printed the evidence with captions.

A sniper loyal to Shiite cleric Moqtada al Sadr fires towards U.S. positions in the cemetery in Najaf, Iraq.

Michele McNally: "Right there with the Mahdi army. Incredible courage."

Apparently, the NYT staff is unfamiliar with a particular word.

Tip o' the hat to Redstate.


qwerty182764 said...


I will never buy the Times.

These people are so divorced from reality, or so fanatically obsessed with their own self-righteous worldview, that it completely escapes them that the Mahdi army is shooting at their side. At the sons and daughters of their neighbors!

Courage would be using their privelidged position to spy for the US, or to brain that bastard with the camera and turn his rifle on his cohorts!


Anonymous said...

Uh...I know this was a long time ago, but this was taken by a freelance south african...not an american.