Wednesday 31 May 2006

Palm d'Merde

When I was a boy I was raised on a steady diet of films that extolled the virtues and sacrifices of British servicemen. Zulu, Khartoum, Dambusters, The Battle of the River Plate, Battle of Britain, The Great Escape, Waterloo; these movies highlighted the professionalism, duty, humour, truculence, and humanity of Britons in the service of Monarch and Country that have done so much to spread and protect civilisation in this sorry world.

We don't see films like that anymore. Instead, the likes of Ken Loach make cowardly little barbs that win the Palm d'Or at Cannes by toeing the party line in depicting the British under arms as blood-thirsty beasts and imply that those who serve today are no better than their brutish forefathers.

Surely we deserve better.

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