Thursday, 30 September 2010
You are your own best source
A new Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
Bike box batty
Proving once again that they hate cars and want to drive businesses entirely out of the city, Seattle opens the first of its "bike boxes", which make it impossible to go through an intersection without ploughing over a squad of cyclists.
This is the reason why I am so glad that I live far away with a range of foothills between me and the lunacy.
The locals don't seem too impressed.
Update: They really aren't impressed
This is the reason why I am so glad that I live far away with a range of foothills between me and the lunacy.
The locals don't seem too impressed.
Update: They really aren't impressed
United States,
Washington State
Dymaxion revisited
Last time I was in Madrid was on my honeymoon when, after a 17 HOUR! flight in coach, we reached the hotel only to discover that they'd lost our reservations and we were then schlepped over to another hideously dark hotel where we had a lovely bridal suite with two camp beds pushed together and a balcony view of the the drug dealer to the right, the brothel to the left, and the crew shooting a film directly below.
We checked out at one AM and left the country after a total of nine hours.
If we'd known that there would be a Buckminster Fuller exhibit at the Ivorypress Art + Books, we might have hung around for another day.
We checked out at one AM and left the country after a total of nine hours.
If we'd known that there would be a Buckminster Fuller exhibit at the Ivorypress Art + Books, we might have hung around for another day.
Future Past,
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Cellular City
A pity this 1929 idea for a standardised city laid out like a chessboard never came to pass. Everything would have been so similar that we could enjoy the novelty of being utterly lost in an urban Möbius strip.
Future Past,
United States
The Levytator
Why do I suspect that when this is put to practical use the results will be extremely annoying?
Iron Man case
I really want one of these for meetings with clients.
The trick is to affect a completely blank look when they ask about it and never, ever open it.
This is just in case you don't know what I'm talking about.
And while we're on the subject, if you have $149,999 you can buy an officially sanctioned replica of the epic Batmobile.
Mind you, the old PT Cruiser is looking a bit worse for wear...
The trick is to affect a completely blank look when they ask about it and never, ever open it.
This is just in case you don't know what I'm talking about.
And while we're on the subject, if you have $149,999 you can buy an officially sanctioned replica of the epic Batmobile.
Mind you, the old PT Cruiser is looking a bit worse for wear...
Switzerland's Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) believes that the solution to restoring communications is to exploit aerial robot swarming. It's a very simple idea: Send up a fleet of small, lightweight electric robot aeroplanes with GPS and networking devices and rely on swarming algorithms to make sure they remain on station while covering the desired area.
They even look charming–creepy as hell, but charming.
Peace at last!
Rejoice! Let the bells ring out across the land. The First World War has finally come to an end.
At least, as soon as Germany's cheque clears.
At least, as soon as Germany's cheque clears.
First World War
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
The first
Wired looks at some prototypes of modern technology. It's small stuff, but some of it is pretty cool
The Ur shot
Fun fact from Popular Science, February 1929: The Jell-o shot was invented as a way to get around American prohibition laws which forbade alcoholic drinks, but not alcoholic solids.
It's always in the details.
It's always in the details.
United States
Monday, 27 September 2010
Panasonic unveils a robot that washes your hair–hopefully without ripping your head off.
Sarah Connor reportedly seen buying home perm kit.
Sarah Connor reportedly seen buying home perm kit.
They get ice cream?
In a searing indictment of the brutal treatment meted out to harmless Jihadists locked up at Guantanamo Bay, the Daily Mail reveals that the prisoners' ice cream is rationed, which means that they can't get seconds.
What sort of fiends are running that place?!
What sort of fiends are running that place?!
United States
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Saturday, 25 September 2010
A Martian Odyssey and Others
A new Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
Friday, 24 September 2010
Spend a penny
It used to be the proud boast of Central London that you were never more than five minutes from a public convenience. By the 1980s, this was still true–provided you ran like hell. Now there's no point in running unless you've got ten bob in your pocket.
You'd think this would be covered under the so-called Human Rights Act.
You'd think this would be covered under the so-called Human Rights Act.
How to survive a bear attack looks at how to survive a bear attack and, as usual, they leave out anything that involves blowing Smokey's head off. Mind you, I'm not a purist. Courgettes work well, too.
United States
Koran burning is thoughtcrime
If they'd been burning a Bible they'd be okay. |
Burn a Koran? Get hauled off to jail so fast your feet don't touch the ground.
Welcome to modern Britain.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Creating believable characters
A new Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
Back(side) story
There must be more to this story than meets the eye and I promise to get to the bottom (sorry) of it no matter how much field research it requires.
United States
Motor cars... of the FUTURE! AGAIN!
Looking at the cars of the future that car makers actually put together. Nice.
Future Past,
Motor Car
Criminal creatures
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
We don't "do" victory
According to Woodward's meeting-by-meeting, memo-by-memo account of the 2009 Afghan strategy review, the president avoided talk of victory as he described his objectives.It gets worse, but there aren't any surprises. Victory for this man is irrelevant; not being blamed for defeat is imperative. I said from the first that Mr Obama sees the Jihadist war as a mere distraction from his Socialist revolution and he never gave a damn about the campaigns in Iraq or Afghanistan. So long as he can't be fingered for losing the war, the whole thing can crash and burn after 2012 for all he cares–maybe even after 2 November 2010.
We'll see.
Update: The money quote:
We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger.I'm glad The One is so sanguine about the prospect. That will be a great comfort to the dead. Will someone please explain to this president in short trousers that the purpose of war is to see how many blows the enemy can take, not us?
United States
No men need apply
Larry Summers isn’t leaving the White House until the end of the year but President Barack Obama’s team already knows the ideal candidate to replace him on the National Economic Council–a woman CEO.Scratch a Feminist and find a bigot.
Update: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
United States
A simple solution
"Number One, pass me my mug of cocoa, there's a good chap."
"Here you are, Captain."
"Thank you, Number One. Oopsy daisy! I seem to have hit the anchor chain release. Oh, dear, oh dear. "
"Circle of Life, Captain."
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Review: Invasion of the Body Snatchers
A new Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
Streaky bits of Heaven
The Art of Manliness looks at bacon; lots of it, on film and in the studio.
Wonder Woman, call your service
It sounds very nice (aside from the prospect of a case of the screaming meemies when looking straight down), but I'd be willing to pass on a flying goldfish bowl if the airliners would bring back seats designed for full-grown human beings, decent cabin service, schedules that aren't works of fiction, and airports that are comfortable starting places for pleasant journeys instead of a hellish cross between a coach station and a POW camp designed to pick your pocket.
Cutting out the middleman: You
Guess what.
Monday, 20 September 2010
No, Minister
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has said he fears spending cuts could hit the Ministry of Food which he set up in Rotherham to encourage healthy eating.Let us hope that his fears are justified.
At this point, you probably expect me to demand that Mr Oliver's toy ministry be abolished. I am not. I am calling for this fatuous exercise in converting one man's opinion into government busybodyism to be not only abolished, but that Mr Oliver personally repay out of his own pocket the taxpayers' money wasted on it–preferably by making the little commissar work in a chip shop.
Hell, they should fry the chips in tallow.
In the service of anti-progress
Quote of the day
Under Communism, politics begins with a gun in your face; under Socialism, politics ends with a gun in your face.Kevin D. Williamson
The anthem of Ankh-Morpork
All together now!
When dragons belch and hippos fleeNobody knows the second verse of their national anthem, so the composer decided it would be easier to have a second verse of ners because it's what people would be doing anyway.
My thoughts, Ankh-Morpork, are of thee
Let others boast of martial dash
For we have boldly fought with cash
We own all your helmets, we own all your shoes.
We own all your generals–touch us and you'll lose.
Morporkia! Morporkia!
Morporkia owns the day!
We can rule you wholesale
Touch us and you'll pay.
We bankrupt all invaders,
We sell them souvenirs,
We ner ner ner ner ner ner by the ears,
Er ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner,
Ner ner ner ner ner ner, ner ner ner ner ner,
Ner your gleaming swords, we mortgaged to the hilt.
Morporkia! Morporkia!
Ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner
We can rule you wholesale
Credit where it's due.
Building a Wellington bomber in 24 hours and 48 minutes
And it takes me most of the morning to get a headlamp bulb changed.
Second World War
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Friday, 17 September 2010
Sorry, no neutrals; no deals

Moral of the story: You don't try to appease a tyrant and grovelling only ends up with you dead, enslaved, or in hiding.
United States
Wine machines
Amusing, but it's a mechanised version of how wine used to be sold in France when I was sailing along the Rivera. We'd put into port and the skipper would stroll down to the vitners with a couple of Jerry cans and then return with ten gallons of vin ordinare that was so cheap it wasn't worth bottling.
It made the passage back to England... interesting. I didn't think it was possible to get halfway up the Kiel ship canal without noticing.
Review: Robots of Westinghouse

For the next 15 years Westinghouse produced a series of increasingly sophisticated robots under various names; culminating in Elektro, the Westinghouse Motoman. Elektro was one of the main attractions at the Westinghouse Pavilion at the 1939 New York Worlds Fair. A far cry from the early cutout Televox, Elektro was a huge art deco robot capable of walking, talking (with the aid of 78 RPM phonograph records), counting on his fingers, recognising colours, and even smoking cigarettes. He was a sensation and the world's first robot celebrity. If you asked a member of the public of that time what a robot looked like, the description would be very close to Elektro.
Drawing a wealth of images and documents, Schaut provides that most detailed history to date of Elektro and his kin. He not only provides an exhaustive description of the Westinghouse robots and the technology behind them, but also their careers and the public's reaction to them. There's even a bit of pathos in the story as Schaut relates Elektro's later career after the close of the World's Fair in 1940. The mechanical star was sent on the road to tour shops and department stores across the country promoting Westinghouse goods. The years took their toll and like an aging film star Elektro played cheaper and cheaper venues including an exhibit at an amusement park. By the 1960s, he was reduced to a bit part in a low-budget sex comedy followed by storage and a narrow escape from the scrap yard.
However, there is a happy ending to the story. in 2004, Elektro was restored and placed on exhibit at the Mansfield Memorial Museum in Mansfield Ohio; site of the Westinghouse plant where Elektro was manufactured. Mr Schaut, curator of the museum, does a credible job of telling the tale of the robots and their place in popular culture. He makes full use of the materials available to him including many images that have not been seen by the public for decades. Some readers may find the technical descriptions a bit dull to slog through, but anyone of a mechanical or just plain geeky disposition will enjoy rummaging through this historical loft.
United States
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Sir John Mortimer interview (Part 1 of 2)
A new Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
A prediction
(B)y the year 2050, (engineers will) develop a team of fully autonomous robots that can win against the human world soccer champion team.I'm not impressed. If they were playing England today, they'd win if they fielded a team comprised entirely of step ladders.
Okay, in the phone boxes I used to call miserable holes in the wall.
Future Past,
C5 memories
Or I used to call it, plastic death on a tricycle.
Swings and roundabouts
The good news is that the agency has paid £70,520 for a naff robot from Cornwall to act as tour guide.
Priorities, you know.
United States
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Sucking the life out of the people
Why? Two reason: Because Blessed Gaia commands and because they can.
Sent to the salt mines
United States
Ayn Rand interview (part 3 of 3)
A new Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Ayn Rand interview (part 2 of 3)
A new Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
A balanced diet
Lord Summerisle prepares the annual barbecue.
Willis Eschenbach at Watt's Up with That? brings up a point that I've been making for years: People who claim that the answer to world hunger is for everyone to go Vegan are a load of city folk who don't know the first thing about animal husbandry, nutrition, or even basic agriculture.
First up: Food.
Future Food,
Future Past
Monday, 13 September 2010
Kevin McCarthy 1914-2010
United States
Ayn Rand interview (part 1 of 3)
New Quill & The Keyboard post is up.
The Quill and The Keyboard
I am Le Corbusier, destroyer of cultures
I must ask him how he's enjoying the ninth level of Hell.
Update: Not an isolated case.
Future Past
A toast!
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Nine years on
I remember the fear and uncertainty as we learned who the enemy was. I remember not knowing what would happen in the days ahead. Would madmen show up in the streets with machine guns? Would poison gas be released in the shopping centres? I remember having a very serious conversation with a good friend about what handgun to buy--not whether to, just if a Walther PPK was the best choice. I remember putting together the emergency kits that we carry in our cars to this day.
Since then, we've had nine years of triumph and tragedy. There isn't room here to summarise it all. That would take a book to do it justice. I'm also not so sure that a memorial is the best thing to put forward now. What is more appropriate is a call to arms. Why? because I have always firmly believed that it is only the British and Americans who provide the world with the proper leadership needed in a war to preserve civilisation, which is what we are engaged in. Without it, I fear for our future. I fear that our leadership is now neglected and rudderless. In London we have a schizophrenic coalition that thinks that defence of the realm is secondary to protecting the jobs of NHS bureaucrats and ensuring that foreign aid cheques to Third World dictators arrive on time. In the Washington, we have a President (a man whom I believe to be a profound fool in the truest sense of the word) who apologises profusely for his own country, promotes absurd myths of an Islamic golden age, and only pursues the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan because he knows that if he hauled America's forces (not his, never his) back at the end of a rope as he'd like, he'd be committing political suicide. In both, we have governments unwilling to identify, let alone confront the Jihadists who wish to turn freedom into a memory and each man a prisoner within the confines of his own skull. They share a mindset that makes a crank pastor of a tiny heretical congregation into a world menace to be condemned by the leader of the Free World because his burning of a Koran might ironically send the adherents of the "Religion of Peace" into a homicidal rage. It is a sign of a political class that is, to put it bluntly and generously, gutless.
The Jihadists don't frighten me. This spinelessness does. This unwillingness to admit that we are in a war for our lives does. This is a war that the Jihadists cannot win, but we can lose if we allow ourselves to do so. If we apologise over and over for existing; if we hypocritically defend the building of a victory mosque at Ground Zero yet throw up our hands in horror at a crackpot burning a Koran while our enemies burn alive Christians, Jews, Muslims, and anyone else they see as Kuffirs; if we bleat on about multiculturalism and the "vibrancy" brought on by uncontrolled (mark that word) immigration; if we do not see that fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan means less fighting on our own shores; if we do not recognise that a US army officer gunning down his fellow soldiers while screaming "Allah akbar" really is an enemy action; if we do not see the enemy for who he is and the necessity of fighting him until he is utterly defeated and fleeing for his life, then we are in for very dark days.
Will we be defeated by the Jihadists? Will St. Paul's become a mosque and will the call to prayer echo out from the Washington Monument? No, but if our political class do not step up and do the job they were hired to do, then within a generation a very frightened people will sweep them aside and do it for them because when it gets to that point, it really will be a war for survival as a people and as a civilisation. And if that happens, it will be war to the knife and God have mercy on us all.
Don't let that happen.
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