I remember the fear and uncertainty as we learned who the enemy was. I remember not knowing what would happen in the days ahead. Would madmen show up in the streets with machine guns? Would poison gas be released in the shopping centres? I remember having a very serious conversation with a good friend about what handgun to buy--not whether to, just if a Walther PPK was the best choice. I remember putting together the emergency kits that we carry in our cars to this day.
Since then, we've had nine years of triumph and tragedy. There isn't room here to summarise it all. That would take a book to do it justice. I'm also not so sure that a memorial is the best thing to put forward now. What is more appropriate is a call to arms. Why? because I have always firmly believed that it is only the British and Americans who provide the world with the proper leadership needed in a war to preserve civilisation, which is what we are engaged in. Without it, I fear for our future. I fear that our leadership is now neglected and rudderless. In London we have a schizophrenic coalition that thinks that defence of the realm is secondary to protecting the jobs of NHS bureaucrats and ensuring that foreign aid cheques to Third World dictators arrive on time. In the Washington, we have a President (a man whom I believe to be a profound fool in the truest sense of the word) who apologises profusely for his own country, promotes absurd myths of an Islamic golden age, and only pursues the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan because he knows that if he hauled America's forces (not his, never his) back at the end of a rope as he'd like, he'd be committing political suicide. In both, we have governments unwilling to identify, let alone confront the Jihadists who wish to turn freedom into a memory and each man a prisoner within the confines of his own skull. They share a mindset that makes a crank pastor of a tiny heretical congregation into a world menace to be condemned by the leader of the Free World because his burning of a Koran might ironically send the adherents of the "Religion of Peace" into a homicidal rage. It is a sign of a political class that is, to put it bluntly and generously, gutless.
The Jihadists don't frighten me. This spinelessness does. This unwillingness to admit that we are in a war for our lives does. This is a war that the Jihadists cannot win, but we can lose if we allow ourselves to do so. If we apologise over and over for existing; if we hypocritically defend the building of a victory mosque at Ground Zero yet throw up our hands in horror at a crackpot burning a Koran while our enemies burn alive Christians, Jews, Muslims, and anyone else they see as Kuffirs; if we bleat on about multiculturalism and the "vibrancy" brought on by uncontrolled (mark that word) immigration; if we do not see that fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan means less fighting on our own shores; if we do not recognise that a US army officer gunning down his fellow soldiers while screaming "Allah akbar" really is an enemy action; if we do not see the enemy for who he is and the necessity of fighting him until he is utterly defeated and fleeing for his life, then we are in for very dark days.
Will we be defeated by the Jihadists? Will St. Paul's become a mosque and will the call to prayer echo out from the Washington Monument? No, but if our political class do not step up and do the job they were hired to do, then within a generation a very frightened people will sweep them aside and do it for them because when it gets to that point, it really will be a war for survival as a people and as a civilisation. And if that happens, it will be war to the knife and God have mercy on us all.
Don't let that happen.
I might add, re the Florida pastor, that those who are so terrified of the consequences of his admittedly rather uncouth idea haven't got much room to talk.
Most of them would happily burn Bibles, Torahs, etc., because they strongly disapprove of religion. After all, it tells them things they are not supposed to do, which they happen to enjoy doing (adultery, coveting- or just stealing- their neighbors' property, etc.). These tomes also warn them about pride- which really bothers them, because most of them are at least as narcissistic as the One they were so eager to see in the Oval Office.
We're talking about the people who cheered when His Immense Egoness made his smart remark about "bitter people who cling to guns and religion". The ones who believe that they are somehow "above it all". And should be the ones telling everyone else how to live.
But the part that tells me that they are not merely arrogant, and misguided, is this;
A large number of those objecting to burning a Qu'ran spent much of their time in college happily burning American flags. More recently, they enjoyed burning former President Bush in effigy; some even demanded his death openly. (The ones who made a certain movie, among others.) And when anyone else objected, their retort was "free speech". Apparently, in their minds, you are only allowed that right if what you say agrees with them; i.e., is anti-Western.
I have no use for hypocrites, and that is what they are.
(P.S.; I prefer an FN P-35 High Power. Very little larger than most .32 or .380 pocket guns, but holds 13+1 rounds of 9 x 19mm.)
True, but the other has become common parlance.
You sir are the fool!
I would not waste my breath trying to explain it to you and your jingoistic cohorts.
Cohorts? I have cohorts? I never knew.
Ah, the bravery of "anonymous!"
The untold irony in this is that muslims have made a practice of not only burning bibles but also of burning christians when provoked.
True. And for many Muslims (such as followers of the teachings of Sayyid Qutb), what "provokes" them is the fact that anything "non-Muslim" even exists.
Needless to say, this makes the present Administration's nostrum, "having a conversation with them", something of a problem.
If the very frightened people taking matters in their own hands you are talking about, are something like bands of soccer hooligans facing off against other, ethnically-based gangs, then I'd say that much will already have been lost. I'm not sure that said hooligans (or American analogs) will be fighting for Western civilization per se, and even if they take civilization as a rallying cry, I'm not sure they'll quite know what they're fighting for. It is a great failure of the educated class, which should be the people who have the intelligence and education to see farther, and to be the guardians of civilization, and its teachers, that its version of reality somehow fails to involve enough actual reality to see beyond their own noses. As for guarding or teaching anything...
I've spent much of my time since grad school among these people (funny how that works), and, immunized by being from from the USSR, I think, rather than anything like intelligence or wisdom on my part, often find myself alone with my opinion. Perhaps they think that "eh, Western civ, dead white men, meh" makes their judgment sound sophisticated, rather than very, very callow. To their friends, I suppose it does.
As long as we're discussing, my choice is a good old American 1911 in .45 ACP. 7+1, or 8+1 with the long clip, so some range-time is definitely indicated. But you know, thinking about it Russian-style, if needs to having holes in it, may as well be BIG holes!
My choice is the good old RK-62. And a good Finnish puukko for close combat.
If it needs to have holes, why not have multiple holes as well?
David: Then what happens when there's a terrorist attack on the ninth of November? What then? Eh?
I'll tell you what: at that point, then the terrorists would have won.
(Also, my choice is a phased plasma rifle; preferably in the 40-watt range)
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