Molly Norris, the American cartoonist who started Everybody Draw Mohammed Day with her cartoon in the left-wing
Seattle Weekly and then fell over herself apologising for it when it turned out the Jihadists mean business has gone into hiding.
Moral of the story: You don't try to appease a tyrant and grovelling only ends up with you dead, enslaved, or in hiding.
1 comment:
Well, I think that when someone in the art world does something "brave" or "daring" these days, it means that he's attacking something that won't fight back, and is on the bien pensants' out-list. It is possible that the great conception behind this thing was, "hey, these jihadniks are not the bogeymen the gap-toothed flannel-wearing xenophobic gun-clingers make them out to be; see how well they take a joke!" To Comrade Norris's great surprise, the joke-taking skills of the jihadniks are not quite up to civilized standards.
I'm speculating here, of course.
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