Figuring that being a brutal dictatorship that indulges in little things like assassination, harbouring and aiding terrorists, stockpiling chemical weapons, and carrying on an illegal nuclear programme isn't all that serious, The One is sending an ambassador to Syria.
Appeasement: The game for the whole family.
Heaven forfend that we might try and actually talk them out of any of that...
Yeah, that "ask them nicely to put the toys away" has worked so well in the past.
Why is it we are all for the US government adopting policies of the Soviet Union and applying them to our own businesses and people but still want to act like the Carter administration when it comes to other countries?
Would the USSR have taken any crap or just rolled the tanks?
And I do remember Afghanistan. I didn't say the Soviets were good at it, but you didn't give them any lip, or here came the T-72s.
I also remember Lybia and the "Line of Death". Mo puffed up and showed his medals and we flew in a load of F-111s and some cruise missiles and things have been a lot quieter over there ever since.
You can have decisive action and a short military operation, or you can talk and talk and talk and then wind up with bombings and a protracted war.
But don't worry, you are going to get your talk. While the administration is busy running industry with an iron fist and turning healthcare into a means of populace control, we'll be busily scolding those naughty atom bomb makers like an ineffectual mother trying to keep her children in line.
The real irony is that Mr Terrific could send everything we have in our arsenal, pound Iran and North Korea off the map, and be labeled a great hero by the sycophantic press. And he would be,
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