This failure is conclusive proof that the Universe is a giant simulation operating within a hypercomputer.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Welcome, fellow programmes
This failure is conclusive proof that the Universe is a giant simulation operating within a hypercomputer.
Warning from space...between the ears
Greenpeace issues warning about data centre powerTell me, BBC and Greenpeace, is that "warning" as in "advises" or "warning" as in "or else?" If the former, we can safely ignore it and if the latter, then the Beeb and Greenpeace need reminding that Greenpeace is not a branch of government and "or else" is not taken lightly in a civilised society when uttered by private citizens.
Laying a poor foundation

Politicians have been wearing make up in front of cameras ever since Richard Nixon refused it when he debated John Kennedy on television and came across as unshaven and sweaty–an image that lost him the election. If nothing else, it's a ploy so open to counterattack that it's a bit like building a bunker out of spun sugar.
David Cameron,
Gordon Brown,
New Labour
Robo Jews
I'm going to get in trouble over this.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
New domain

Sorry about not giving more notice about the move, but Blogger started the migration before I was even aware of it. Anyway, update you bookmarks and ever onward.
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1970s house
Our modern family aren't exactly Sapphire and Steel when it comes to time travel (did they get a look in?). They seemed less inclined to understand their parents' or grandparents' era than to whine about the primitive technology, lower living standards, and lack of properly enforced Newspeak directives. At least in the real 1970s the kids didn't grumble at their parents like they were flatmates. They had there own forms of demonic torments to unleash.
I found the conniption fit over the lack of central heating particularly amusing. Here in bleeding-edge technology Chez Szondy we turned off the central heating years ago and never looked back. The fireplace and oil-electric heaters do the job just fine and at half the cost. As for the real 1970s, we didn't have central heating, but we did have small coal-burning fireplaces in all the rooms, but they dated back to when they were installed in the age of Queen Victoria in a farmhouse that dated back to the Stuarts. History, BBC Four; they had that in the 1970s, too.
And they missed the obvious point that the Ford Cortina was a piece of rubbish even by the standards of the day.
As for the most egregious failing, I will not have the Teasmade mocked! Behold in all its true glory:
Doner kebab robot
Monday, 29 March 2010
- I never drink coffee at home unless pecan pie is involved.
- I make the morning tea owing to the lack of a Teasmade.
- If the wife ever substituted caffeine-free for the real thing, she'd be wondering why I was lying face down on the carpet at nine in the morning.
Whither Britain?
God preserve us from it, because the unwanted repercussions of the cure would be with us centuries after the disease was gone. As I keep saying, we only have the alternative between bad choices now and impossible choices later.
For thee, but not for me
Members of Parliament who abdicated their power to an unelected Brussels elite and then proceeded to plunder their expense accounts like their personal bank?
Don't be ridiculous!
Military officers who actually do a job of work in defence of the realm in the face of insane budget cuts and command one of the few institutions that still embody traditional British values despite decades of social engineering?
Of course!
The darkening continent
Sub-Saharan Africa is sliding back into barbarism and once prospering nations are turning into impoverished hellholes where the only equality is universal misery–unless you're a member of the Mercedes-driving elite, of course. Not that the West gives a damn anymore, since the oppressors are now an acceptable hue. Pity about all those Whites, Indians, and Chinese who have to flee for their lives or the Blacks who have nowhere to go to except the kingdom of another tyrant, but as Stalin said about eggs and omelettes...
South Africa
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
Apollo 13 revisited
What's all this Ron Howard stuff? I was there, young man.
I'm not surprised that the actual fate of Apollo 13 would have been different than what was projected back in 1970. Since the crew was rescued, the old orbit suddenly became less interesting. Mind you, since the crew would have ended up just as dead, it isn't much of an alteration.
Orbital mechanics are always a bugger.
United States
Earth Hour 2010
Tomorrow at 20:30 Zulu Time is Earth Hour, the annual hour when
Here at Chez Szondy, we will, of course, have so many lights on that the main power lines crossing the valley below will start to glow cherry red.
Wham-O Giant Comic
I regard this as the best buy in comic book history because for only one American dollar you got as veritable library of comic books–at least two of which were drawn by the immortal and slightly immoral Wally Wood.
Chez Szondy
Will they make a bigger one for fat people?
If only someone could come up with a small transportation device that could move individuals or small groups of people from place to place with speed, efficiency, and flexibility in a way that is not only fun, but enhances basic human freedom.
Or even one of these:
Motor Car
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Futurama 1964
Because that's what it's all about.
Or something.
Future Past
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
UK Space Agency
Simple,classic elegant and looks damn good with the uniform. What more could you want?
$&%ing right
United States,
Washington State
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Some more sanity
Such a display of commonsense is so surprising that I suspect a brain embolism is involved.
Lund Variable Velocity Weapons System
It's not a bad report, except for this clanger:
But in reality, a weapon like the LVVWS is likely a long way away from being service ready. For one, gunpowder is a time-tested portable, combustible that, if kept dry, has reliably served infantrymen for centuries; we're not so sure the same can be said for compressed gas cartridges. But more importantly, while range is usually a big factor when less-lethal rounds turn deadly, it's certainly not the only one.A little update here, gunpowder hasn't been used by the infantry since cordite and its variants hit the market over a century ago.
United States,
Twilight: New Moon
Extremely funny and a spot-on nailing of this piece of dreck, but why did they have to make a film that validates Bill Corbett going shirtless?
The horror.
If you haven't seen New Moon yet, for heaven's sake don't do so without a thick coating of sarcasm or three-inch lead plates. I didn't think it was possible to make a worse film than Twilight, but Summit Entertainment seem determined to prove me wrong. There's no point summarising the plot or criticising its miserable dramatic arc because you'll be comatose before you get that far. It's far more interesting to ask why the actors playing the Red Indian werewolves had to produce papers proving that they were Indians, but none proving that they were werewolves. Seems a bit lax to me.
Dialogue? It should be grounds for prosecution with gems like:
The absence of him is everywhere I look.There's worse, but I don't want to be responsible for any convulsions. Then, of course there's the bad acting, cheap CGI, amateurish make up, a director who has a weakness for camera gags right out of a cartoon, and the most unlikeable main character since Dean Martin stopped doing Matt Helm films. It was also reportedly edited in the backseat of a car and looks it.
In other words, pure rat kibble that makes Bert I Gordon look like Otto Preminger. If you do want to risk seeing it, I highly recommend getting the number of a survivor's support group first.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Too true
Either the Democrats are run by Socialists who will stop at nothing , including political suicide, to grab power or they're a load of incompetent boobs who can't see the train headed for them. I'm not sure which is giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Update: Happy Dependence Day.
Update: Crossing the Rubicon.
United States
The thin red line
I'll be impressed if they do so again next year to mark the end of the Cold War–with or without Mr Putin's permission. Special bonus points if the Russian government finally lays that wax mummy to rest in his home town and razes the pile he's currently occupying so the Communists can join their Nazi brethren on the ash heap of history.
British Army,
Second World War
Cyborgs and the bacon question
Future Past
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Friday, 19 March 2010
Office...of the FUTURE!
Future Past
Nuts in May
Home computers...of the FUTURE!
Future Past
Pens...of the FUTURE!
Future Past
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Riding the rails for a fall
I recommend standing well back as the entire scheme comes apart at the seams, as the shrapnel tends to carry.
A slight error
And didn't they end up feeling silly.
Mabel & colour telly
Sarah Connor reported unconcerned about cut-rate Dalek
Future Past,
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Detective Inspector Hunt, call your service
United States Attorney General Holder on Osama bin Laden being read his Miranda rights:
Just curious.
The reality is that we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden. He will never appear in an American courtroom.An interesting choice of words. Does that mean that Mr Barack Hussein Obama's policy is officially one of "shoot to kill" or that bin Laden will have an "accident" in the cells?
Just curious.
United States
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Another nail
Priorities, I suppose.
Royal Navy
Rocket catcher
Future Past
Monday, 15 March 2010
Blanket repeal bill
And Jeremy Clarkson suggested it first
Enough to drive one to drink
You can, however, have as much Soma as you like.
Update: The Great Police Terror.
Update: More than meets the eye.
Beyond the Peter Principle
United States,
US Navy
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
I don't know about camping, but I could have used one on a couple of pub crawls back in the '80s.
Beware of the blob
At first I thought that the dogs had somehow got their hands on a cold pack and torn it to shreds, but I couldn't find any fragments of plastic bags and the dogs weren't acting the slightest bit guilty (I can always tell when Little Ann has got into the rubbish or raided the bread bin, because she's nowhere to be found). I soon ruled out the jelly falling from the trees or being thrown from the road. I was about to get in the car and flee for the hills before the onslaught of the Martians when I realised that all the jelly was sitting on the thinned-out lawn patches that I'd reseeded last week. A compartment opened in that lumber room I call a brain and recalled a tidbit of information I'd skimmed across.
Five minutes later, a quick googling and I had the answer. It seems that the grass seed that I'd planted not only included fertilizer, but something called polyacrylamide gel, better known as "water crystals." They're a kind of polymer crystal that absorb an insane amount of water and basically act as little canteens for the grass seeds. Very clever, that.
Of course, I could be wrong. In which case, I'm living the first ten minutes of a Hammer sci fi epic.
Chez Szondy
Take it with a grain of... something
This episode should be preserved for all time (in brine, preferably) as a perfect example of a nanny-state politician who knows absolutely nothing about real life, yet regards himself competent to micromanage every aspect of society because he is convinced that the people are so stupid that they'd forget to breathe if the government didn't tell them to.
New York,
United States
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Staying classy
Mr Sean Penn says that people who call President
Hugo Chavez of Venezuela a dictator should be thrown in prison.
Oddly, I thought that sort of thing was what defined a dictatorship.
On the other hand, Mr Penn prefers that his critics die "screaming of rectal cancer."
Such a gentleman.
Oddly, I thought that sort of thing was what defined a dictatorship.
On the other hand, Mr Penn prefers that his critics die "screaming of rectal cancer."
Such a gentleman.
For sale
Mind you, there's no indication that the thing has ever actually flown, nor that this 21-foot long, seven-foot wide conveyance would have made it past the first hedgerow, so both "flying" and "car" are more theoretical than actual.
Future Past,
Motor Car
Future Past,
Iron Man 2
Science Fiction
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Hit 'em with your handbag
That's what I love about Mr Barack Hussein Obama; his steely resolve in the face of the enemy.
United States
Retreat, Earthmen! Horror awaits you!
Science Fiction
New Labour
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