A classic example of Feminism trumping common sense. I have extreme doubts about this woman holding a commission, much less being in charge of a ship of the line. But that's what happens when you are more afraid of a bad political rating from the Commissar than of losing a ship.
Would you give the command of the ship to this woman?
I would.
Woops, wrong link. Here's correct.
No, she's a civilian.
If they weren't all against her everything would be fine. It all started with those strawberries, oh yes, she knew there were more strawberries, but the rest of those mutinous officers stole them.
But she was on to their game, just like the negligent way they ran the ship over that tow line, oh their incompetence was endless.
The clicking of the little ball bearings increased in intensity as Graf continued to talk.
Look at those eyes, then think of the villainous captain from The Caine Mutiny. Women can dish it out just as well.
It appears CAPT Graf is both inept and a bully. Unlike William Bligh, who was brilliant seaman and navigator, CAPT Graf is in the same category as Herman Wouk's character Philip Francis Queeg.
Gender is no excuse for discrimination nor impunity. That is one reasons why people in military refer to each other with surnames. It happens CAPT Graf is a bad officer because she is a jerkass, not a bad officer because she is a woman nor a jerkass because she is a woman.
CAPT Graf's sister, RADM Robyn Graf, is described to be her complete opposite. Men who have served under RADM Graf describe her as a "motherly character" and would be ready to follow her to hell because they'd know Mommy would lead them back alive.
I agree that Captain Bligh got a bum rap from popular culture.Just read his account of his boat journey after the Mutiny to see what sort of man he really was. I've always thought that his main failing was that he tried to emulate his idol Captain Cook without realising that he wasn't in the same league. You can't run a ship on the assumption that the men idolise you unless they actually do.
The US Navy could have her splayed. That'll calm her down.
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