Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Let's Pizza
We'll put a stop to that.
Monday, 30 March 2009
Going Dutch
Any smart ass who does heavy breathing in the thing gets a fortnight of guard duty.
Carbon Heresy
This is, of course, evil and an abomination in the eyes of Blessed Gaia and her priests.
South Africa,
It's five-star opulence set to turbine whines and the incessant whakka-whakka of rotor blades. Not unlike some airport hotels I've stayed in.
Update: Hoax?
Bye Bye, Bishop
While this is a laudable mission, I can't help but be disappointed, as his grace was a far better candidate for Canterbury than that bearded platypus that wears the mitre now.
Church of England
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Saturday, 28 March 2009
A Carbon Footprint You Can See From Space
Here at Chez Szondy, we will, of course, be marking that time by turning on every light in the house, lighting up the massive outdoor searchlight display, bonfires fueled with loads of coal and old tyres, having a massive barbecue with every meat imaginable, and our ever popular SUV drag races.
By the bye, the UN is getting in on the act, and how much do they expect to save by this rubbish? $81,000? $24,000? Nope. Try $102.
Update: We will also be showing this clip continuously on our three dozen 103-inch plasma screens that we've set up for the occasion:
Friday, 27 March 2009
Cosmic Poppadoms
The interplanetary chutney may take a bit longer.
Space Food
Thursday, 26 March 2009
War? What War?
With their heads jammed so deep in the sand, I'd say that the only thing that's keeping the Jihadists from carrying out another 9/11 is the hope that Mr Obama will stay out of the military's way so they can keep mauling the bastards.
United States
Comic of Babel
And they wonder why no one takes the arts seriously anymore
Obvious Department
In my experience: No.
But can you destroy a Toyota pick up? Clearly, we got the wrong machine.
Motor Car
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Justice for Some
As the last remaining Nazis from World War II approach the end of their lives, it is debatable whether it is still worthwhile to pursue them.I've no problem with hunting down the Nazis to the last man. My problem is that we don't treat the Communists and the Jihadists with the same fervor for justice.
Second World War
A Breath of Fresh Air
From the EU! Why, dear God, are we not hearing these words in the Commons every single day?
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Report To Your District Euthansia Centre
Naturally, the orders to submit to democide will apply only to the proles and Outer Party members. Mr. Porritt, his two children, and other Inner Party members who have not shown counterrevolutionary tendencies or susceptibility to Goldsteinism will be exempt.
De Nile Is Not Just In Egypt
Aside from being unacceptably sexist and heteronormative, this idea that is so blinkered that it doesn't even regard terrorists as criminals. Now they're just something that just sort of happens like a piano landing on your car. In other words, save your breath, Bin Laden; the Messiah & Co. are sticking their fingers in their ears and humming as loud as they can.
United States
I'm The Dude Playin' The Dude, Disguised As Another Dude!
Meanwhile, here's the feature itself. Enjoy
Monday, 23 March 2009
Twilight of the Damned
I am glad that I did because I have found a rare cinematic gem to set beside The Fountainhead; a film that exist solely and forever to have cutouts of Mike and the 'bots placed before it and ridiculed for all time. I shall watch like an eagle for the Rifftrax for this one. In fact, I plan to send along a few riffs gratis.
Somewhere Dr. Forester smiles.
Sarkozy Who?
Having managed to break every rule of protocol in insulting the British Prime Minister and then handing the Russians a sphincter-clinching "reset" button marked "overcharge", President Barack Hussein Obama tries for the hat trick and sends a letter to Jacques Chirac, the former
president of France, saying how much Mr. Obama looks forward to working with him in the future.
The Duke of Edinburgh must be giving this lad lessons.
president of France, saying how much Mr. Obama looks forward to working with him in the future.
The Duke of Edinburgh must be giving this lad lessons.
United States
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Friday, 20 March 2009
Terrafugia Transition
Future Past
Thursday, 19 March 2009
If It isn't One Thing...
Swarovski Switch
Our hallmark: Useless expense fused with an utter lack of taste.
A Thing Of Beauty
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Not a Teasmade
Am I the only one trying to figure out how you clean the bloody thing?
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
St. Patrick's Day
And in honour of the day, here's a bit of Dave Allen:
Update: Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!
Bye Bye, PI
I can't say that I'm too unhappy about this. It's always sad to see a newspaper go belly up and it does raise the question about how news reporting is going to carry on until it learns to adapt to the new technology, but the loss of a left-wing rag like the PI is no great loss. Newspaper bias is no sin. In fact, in Britain it's a sign of a healthy market of opinion. However, British papers must operate in actual competition. Cozy Labour papers must rub shoulders with Conservative papers who must contend with Liberal Democrat broadsheets and this keeps them all on their toes. In the United States, however, daily papers generally operate in a monopoly–or worse, a false duopoly with two so-called "competing" newspapers sharing plants, facilities and world views. In Seattle, this boiled down to the newspaper business dividing between the leftist Seattle Times and the raving leftist Seattle PI. We will pass over the paper for aging Troskyites, the Seattle Weekly, and the sexually incontinent Stranger with more quiet dignity than they deserve. This sort of bias is tolerable if the papers concerned remain open about their bias, but when, as the PI did, the bias is marketed as the only reasonable and "moderate" view this becomes unacceptable. When the paper in question is published in a city and state run by a political machine with whom the paper is ideological hand in party glove and willing soften the pedal and turn the blind eye, then it becomes a disservice.
It's also an appalling business model. As one commentator pointed out, it's like a burger bar refusing to offer cheeseburgers to the half of the market that is clamouring for them because the manager doesn't like cheeseburgers and he thinks that people who eat cheeseburgers are beneath contempt. In the Seattle PI's case, they refused to sell cheeseburgers and now their burger bar has been reduced to those little wheelie carts that you see in the West End after the pubs close.
Trouble is, there are a heck of a lot of those carts out there, as the online PI will soon learn. As for myself, I'm truly going to miss the Letters to the Editor page. Browsing through it was to be transported into a strange, parallel world where it is always a tie-dyed 1968.
United States
Motoring '70s Style
I quite like the money quote:
I decided it was time to buy her indoors her own car, so she could get out more. By buying her a Seventies Triumph I would ensure she never got too far.Forward planning. You can't beat it.
What she lacks in a figure she makes up for with her devastating killbot moves for her hunt for Sarah Connor.
Sci Fi Channel: 1992-2009
None of this is surprising, since the channel has been on a long, slow descent into indistinguishability for over half a decade. In it's heyday, the Sci Fi Channel was an oasis for those who enjoyed science fiction–especially the classic variety and whether it was locally available was the deal breaker in my deciding which part of town I'd live in. Then came the inevitable slide with the science fiction content being replaced by horror, shlock Z "original" productions notable for basement budgets and hideous acting, pseudo "reality" programming, wrestling (wrestling?!?) and films that included such hardcore sci fi as Apollo 13 and Braveheart. What little science fiction remained was relegated to soap operas (*cough* Galactica *cough*) openly targeted at a female demographic by producers who apologised for the science fiction looking like science fiction. After that, I only tuned in fleetingly out of morbid curiousity.
No funeral announcements have been made because no one expects any mourners.
Science Fiction,
Monday, 16 March 2009
Breach of the Peace
It's lucky they didn't have these when we went on our honeymoon to Amsterdam. What my wife would have done to the things with the nearest blunt object doesn't bear thinking about.
I Shall Be Exalted Among The Heathen

United States
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Saturday, 14 March 2009
The Unknown World
As opposed to The World That We Weren't Really Paying Attention To At The Time.
Science Fiction
Friday, 13 March 2009
Au Votre Sante
In other words, you really don't want to take a bottle of this to a party and see it vanish into a punchbowl full of sangria.
Type 45 Troubles
Royal Navy
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Another Nail
They're even designing an official handbag.
God help us all.
British Army
Freeman Lowell, Call Your Service
Weeds, waters, cultivates, hunts for Sarah Connor.
United States
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
A Different World
A group of around 20 men in traditional Islamic dress held up banners and placards that read: "Anglian Soldiers Butchers of Basra", "Anglian Soldiers Criminals, Murderers Terrorists" and "Baby killers".It didn't last long, though:
The initial shoving was definitely out of line, but its good to see this sort of bigotry against our soldiers given the bird. Freedom of speech is not freedom from shaming.
Future Protected Vehicle
If the MoD gets a realistic budget, that is.
The Atomic Invader
And thanks, Earthlings, for helping us out and overlooking all those men we killed at the nuclear plant and all.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Gov. Breck, Call Your Service
Putting Things In Perspective
The deterioration of poetry is just as dangerous a phenomenon as global warming, a researcher claimed on the fourth day of the Dubai International Poetry Festival (DIPF) on Saturday.No argument there; no argument at all.
Global Warming
Audi Hover Shark
Monday, 9 March 2009
Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Person
George Galloway stoned in EgyptYeah, we once scored some righteous 'shrooms there and were totally baked for a week, man.
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