Seeing as MI5 was defending the rest of the free world, it was up to me and other like minded lads back in the '60s to defend Yorkshire against the ravening hordes of Communist agents and general supervillainy. Not that we did so unarmed. Thanks to the Mattel corporation, we had a formidable arsenal at our disposal, such as the radio rifle and coder pen,
The Movie Shot machine gun,
The devastating Sonic Blaster,
And when all else fails, go for the nuclear strike with the Johnny Seven.
Awesome toys. I never had stuff like this when I was growing up. You lucky so and so.
Still; us nowadays do get violent videogames, so it probably balances out in practice.
"Turbo Man, the most popular toy since the legendary Johnny Seven!". Or something like that.
If Johnny Seven would be remade today, it would probably turn out to be flimsy and unreliable. I think toys were made to a higher standard half a century ago, but you can't make a very rugged rifle when you have so many swiveling parts.
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