Swarovski light switches: Just the thing for the sort of man who wears preposterous, useless watches on bracelets more suitable to Elizabeth Taylor circa 1963 and women who think that doorknobs make excellent rings.
Our hallmark: Useless expense fused with an utter lack of taste.
1 comment:
From the broken link:
Looking for an elegant and unique home decoration accessory? Try the Swarovski light switches by Berker that are an opulent solution bound to arouse everyone’s curiosity. Already the winner of the “Design Plus Award 2008″ competition, the Swarovski switch is not just another ordinary light switch used to turn on and off the light. Instead, it can be used to control other household items too. The inside of the sparkling shell features a complex optical detection system that makes this Swarovski crystal work as a light switch. Use these decorative light switches on your walls and they will surely compel the viewer to take a second glance. Produced and customized by Berker, the Swarovski switches are a new, innovative and stylish way to add to the splendor of a home.
I think I saw one on the water fountain in the debut episode of ABC's "Better Off Ted".
The joke was you could not activate it and drink simultaneously.
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