Saturday, 28 February 2009
Friday, 27 February 2009
Ground Zero
I take great comfort in knowing that even if the nearest small town was insanely targeted by the Red Chinese (the only credible H-bomb threat. Iran et al are all sub-Hiroshima size), Chez Szondy would still be well outside the blast zone.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
It started out as a track light, but then it got completely out of hand.
Washington State DC
Elliot Carver, Call Your Service
Is there a megalomaniac's discount?
United States
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Digestive Table
I think I'll eat out a lot more.
Eye Ball R1
In other news, a new spy camera delivered to the British Army was destroyed in a five-a-side match by the Grenadier Guards.
British Army,
Doctor Who Anime
If only Pertwee was still with us.
Doctor Who
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Parliament Parceling
Why is it that I have the feeling that the end product of all this will be a revamped House of Lords presided over by a bizarre new aristocracy of victimhood?
New Labour,
Kid's Don't Try This At Home.
Don't read this in public or everyone will want to know what the hell you're laughing so hard about.
United States
Monday, 23 February 2009
Dr Palindrome, Call Your Service
Headline from Discover magazine:
Experts Declare War on Space Junk… So What Do We Do Now?Might we offer a humble suggestion:
Oscar Night
Okay, I'll admit the latter wasn't so bad because odds were that if I was doing that I had a couple of gallons of beer in me and I had a girlfriend at the time, so there was a more promising sequel in the offing. It all balances out.
Left to myself, I'd have skipped the whole dreary mess, but the wife share her sex's inexplicable fascination with celebrities, so we had the show on the telly while I fried up bacon sandwiches. I didn't give a damn and the whole thing went by in a series of aggravating flashes, such as the "best supporting actress award" being conducted by five women delivering fawning praise to the nominees like Greek goddesses giving tributes to the fallen at Troy. It would have been ghastly, except that the five goddesses were all so low-powered talents that it came across as merely pathetic.
Other than that, it was noise, lights, noise, hypocrisy, noise, and a double scoop of noise. When a clip from Harvey Milk came up showing two men kissing and I realised that a) it was 6:45 PM local time, b) my six-year old daughter was in the room and c) I now had some fast talking to do, I couldn't decide whether to be outraged at the producers for not being aware of the time and the presence of children in the audience or thankful that at least there was at least some distraction from the tiresome rituals.
Don't ask me how it all ended, because I don't know. I only lasted a little over an hour and by that point I was in a very bad temper and desperately needed a drink. Luckily, wife and daughter retired to the other room to watch while doing daughter's reading homework while I retreated to my office and sanity in the form of a very large glass of very cheap plonk for which I would like to thank the Academy.
United States
Solar-Powered Batteries
If it becomes practical and at least cheap enough to use in emergency bag equipment (where every question of "Where's the radio?" is followed by the answer of "Oh, &^#$", then they might have something there.
A Moral Compass Without a Needle
Discussing your values with your teenagers will help them to form their own. Remember, though, that trying to convince them of what’s right and wrong may discourage them from being open.It's amazing that a government that never passes up a chance to lecture
Still, the prize must go to Linda Blair, a clinical psychologist, who, believe it or not, is defending the government:
We do not know what is right and wrong; right and wrong is relative, although your child does need clear guidelines.Why this woman is not struck off and forbidden to approach any child of impressionable age remains a mystery.
New Labour
CCTV Chicago
Just in time for the Two Minute Hates.
United States
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Friday, 20 February 2009
Third Eye
In one case, I'd have strapped it on backwards to avoid all that tedious looking behind at what was chasing me.
Skylon is Go
During it's rollout, however, the Thunderbirds March must be mandatory.
Though, I will settle for this.
Archaeology Update
One of the results of the credit crunch is that the slump in the construction industry has resulted in layoffs among British archaeologists, who get most of their work these days from watching briefs and rescue excavations in the trail of new buildings. In practical terms that means that the archaeological unemployment rate has skyrocketed from 99.9% to 99.99%.
The truth is, anyone who tries to get a job in archaeology has to have his head examined. Though it's the most fun you can have with your trousers on, it's also the best way to starve or, at best, be trapped indefinitely in a lowly position under those above who regard your every qualification as less of an asset than a threat to their security. That's because during the Great Archaeology Boom of the 1970s, so many would-be Indiana Jones' went into the field that there was an impossible glut for the few paying slots that were available. You could dig if you were willing to roam what was then called The Circuit for sub-subsistence wages, but anything better than that was the stuff of dreams. I recall working for one unit in the '80s where a member of staff died and the day after his obituary hit the papers we were swamped with 3000 applications for his job. If that wasn't enough, there was the famous advice of that time for the best way to get a paying job in archaeology was to wait until 2017 when those with jobs start dying off. And they weren't joking.
That was when things were going good and even then, there were all sorts of closed shops and cliques under what were called the Units that divyed up Great Britain into archaeological fiefdoms never to compete with one another. When the Unit system broke down in the late '80s and the Circuit fell apart it was like the academic version of The Grapes of Wrath as archaeologists scattered far and wide in search of a wage packet.
Small wonder I switched to teaching in the '90s before hanging up my trowel for good in favour of the pen.
I particularly liked the BBC report that included this gem from Mike Pitts, editor of British Archaeology:
No one becomes an archaeologist because they want to get rich.They become archaeologists because they want to be archaeologists.The first part is true, if hopelessly ungrammatical; the second is absolute bollocks. People become archaeologists because, like Fringe theatre, it's a great excuse to drink huge amounts of beer and get laid–though the latter was often theoretical due to an ongoing lack of female personnel.
But that's another story.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
redOrbit Hounour
Hello, redOrbit readers. Pull up a stool and relax a while. We're deeply honoured and promise to use our powers only for good.
Nine times out of ten. If given the opportunity.
Camel-Powered Ambulance
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Dubai Down
But, Ah, The Strawberries!
Global Warming
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Water On The Brain
This would be funny, but I live within two hour's drive of this asylum and mining the bridges over Lake Washington isn't that easy.
If you live somewhere on the outskirts of Ulan Bator and have never heard of Mr Cheese, then you no doubt also are not sharing the feeling of dread that is gripping the hearts of everyone who has. Chuck E Cheese's is, depending on how you look at it, either a child-oriented games arcade that serves hideous food or the nastiest pizzeria on Earth with video games. Either way, walking into one is to be hit in the face with a simultaneous blast of electronic noise and the lingering odour of burned pizza. And, of course, the eating tables, the service areas, and the games are all so crowded together that grown ups spend most of their time trying not to step on a munchkin.
On the upside, the harried mother of the birthday boy gave my daughter a cup full of tokens so she could spend a blissful hour whacking moles, bunching ducks, shooting zombies and never getting a crack at the Mechwarrior console with the combat seat equipped with joystick and throttle–the only halfway interesting game in the place. After that, it was a feast of overdone pizza and cake, though due to her allergies the daughter had to make do with McDonalds and fig newtons. The highlight of the afternoon was when Mr Cheese himself appeared to entertain the party. We were lucky. He was in town appearing at the Tulalip Casino in Marysville. If we'd been in last week, it would have been Michael Crawford doing a few sets.
One thing I have learned though. If The Cheese people really want to clean up, the should get a licence and sell drinks to the adults–especially if the bar didn't open until they'd been in the place for at least an hour.
They'd make a bloody fortune.
Chez Szondy
Trading Cards... of the FUTURE

Tip o' the hat to Chris Bale
Future Past
All these years later and we're still in the same spot.
Norway: Home of Giants
Revisiting this classic documentary on Norway is particularly touching for me because, owing to a Norwegian grandmother, I have the subconscious ability to read and speak Norwegian without realising that I'm doing it, which tends to freak me and those around me out at regular intervals.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Sub Crash
If Vanguard had gone down, Britain's nuclear deterrent would have been reduced to a farce. As it is, we're going to be in a hell of a spot until Vanguard comes out of dry dock. Now that two bomber boats managed to ram into one another, maybe someone at the
If New Labour feels that this will cost too much, then maybe a few Jihadist clerics can do without their benefit cheques for a few weeks.
Royal Navy
It's A Fact... Maybe
We are not alone: 'trillions' of planets could be supporting lifeIt sounds like a stunning pronouncement until you start to burrow into what Alan Boss, of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, DC is actually saying. All the articles that have reported on this give the impression that the galaxy is so chock full o' life that we'll be tripping over Vulcans in no time. All very exciting, but then it turns out the the number of other "Earths" claimed refer to planet size alone, not temperature, orbit, composition, moons, atmosphere, radiation, age, star type, or other factors involving habitability. Using Mr Boss's criteria, there are at least ten "Earths" in our Solar System alone. A pity only one of them has life on it.
And it gets better. We then learn that not one other "Earth" has been observed; only Super-Earths that Mr Boss suspects are "but the tip of the iceberg", which is unfortunate, as not even the tip of said iceberg has actually been seen and even if it was there's no proof that it would be an iceberg at all. The bottom line: The whole story hinges on nothing but a guess.
I only bring this whole dreary episode up because a) it shows that so-called "journalism" has virtually no capacity to see utter rubbish even when they fall over it and b) it is a classic example of what Robert Crichton was on about in his classic speech on aliens and global warming.
United States
Game Theory
Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani said on Saturday that the United States should stop "boxing" with Iran and adopt itself to a game of "chess" with the Islamic republic.I only partly agree. Abandon boxing; yes, but instead of chess, I suggest a quick round of roshambo (not the rock, paper, scissors version) with the United States getting first crack.
United States
Snow Shoes
Motor Car
Munich Moment?
Mike McNally over at Pajamas Media, however, claims that the craven barring of Geert Wilders from entering the country actually is the surrender scenario in action. Whether he's wrong or not depends on what happens next.
The Four Yorkshiremen
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Atomic Submarine
I once thought this the most frightening film ever made.
Mind you, I was five at the time.
Mind you, I was five at the time.
Science Fiction
Friday, 13 February 2009
Hope & Change: Iranian Division
Little more than a year after U.S. spy agencies concluded that Iran had halted work on a nuclear weapon, the Obama administration has made it clear that it believes there is no question that Tehran is seeking the bomb.But... But... I thought now that The One was president, it was supposed to be all hearts and flowers and coy glances across the conference table!
Ah, well. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama will realise that he's playing with the grown ups now.
United States
We Didn't Listen!
I particularly like Seattle Post Intelligencer reporter Robert McClure's extensive quotes from one J Elizabeth Jackson on the impending doom facing the people of Washington state from heat death. I might even pay more than a nanosecond of attention to it if she were a climatologist or an MD or even a reader of pigeon entrails rather than a sociologist. That being the case, I wouldn't trust her to tell me whether the sun was going to rise in the east.
I'm going to miss the PI when it goes bust in about a month. It opens a door into a new and terrible world.
United States
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Snowball Would Be Proud
This sort of cowardice on the part of New Labour makes one almost wish that the ban had been done out of the Brown government's usual prissy moral posturing. At least that had a slight tinge of honesty about it. What we have instead is something that hollows out Britain's ancient liberties a bit more while pouring another can of petrol on an already growing fire.
Update: Wilders arrested trying to enter Britain.
No, Thanks; I'll Walk.
In related news, Chinese coach ticket sales plummet to an all-time low.
You Are Here
Another Solution
Away from Planet Zonga we have a similar thing. We call them "parks".
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Future Bath
The sounsdtrack is in Japanese, so it's unclear whether they managed to attach shame to it.
Future Past,
Where Do I Sign Up?
When the Left say that torture just acts as a recruiting tool for the terrorists, I don't think that this is what they meant
United States
Happy Birthday. God Help Us All
- 2,000 bottles of champagne — Moët & Chandon and ’61 Bollinger
- 500 bottles of whisky — Johnny Walker Blue Label, 22-year-old Chivas
- 8,000 lobsters
- 100kg king prawns
- 3,000 ducks
- 4,000 portions of caviar
- 8,000 boxes of Ferrero Rocher
- 16,000 eggs
- 3,000 cakes — chocolate and vanilla
- 4,000 packs of pork sausages
- 500kg cheese
- 4,000 packets of crackers
Blue Peter
Be that as it may, EI salutes the world of sticky-back tape with this magic moment.
Mad Men
No, what I need is everyone else going around looking like Cary Grant so as to throw my abesent-minded boffin look into sharp contrast.
Bad Timing
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Snow Days–Again
Yes, it was snowing, which meant that the Molotov was getting its first test by fire. Or ice in this case. It wasn't a heavy snow and the worst problem was the usual black ice on the steeper bits, but the Molotov came through with flying colours. We were also fortunate that the snow only clung to the high altitudes, so that once we got into the valley it was more or less plain sailing except for the odd idiot in the ditch for whom ice is an abstract concept.
Though it's still an arctic scene outside, it's at least warm enough that the roads cleared and I could get back up the hill relatively easily. The real test will probably come tonight when we're expected to get hit with more snow. In which case, it may be time for some world-class cocking about.
Chez Szondy,
Motor Car
Monday, 9 February 2009
On The Job Training: Afghanistan
The president was concerned by a lack of strategy at his first meeting with Gates and the US joint chiefs of staff last month in “the tank”, the secure conference room in the Pentagon. He asked: “What’s the endgame?” and did not receive a convincing answer.I suspect that's because the Chairman of the JCOS's reply was along the lines of : "Um, Mr President, it's your job to tell us that. You give the orders, we carry them out".
United States
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