HAM and bacon should be cut from our diets to avoid the risk of bowel cancer, a landmark study has shown.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
The Gaunlet Has Been Thrown Down
Ingsoc on Campus
What is truly depressing is that no one is going to get sacked over this outrage.
Put Up or Shut Up
If Mr. Horsey truly believes that Jihadists are a mere neocon phantasm (9/11, 7/7, Glasgow, Beslan, Bali, Madrid, the Burning of France, the Taliban, Al Qaeda and all the rest aside), then I suggest that he put his pen where is mouth is and submit a drawing of Mohammed-- either reverent or nasty, it doesn't matter.
I'll run the book on how long it will be before Mr. Horsey is forced into hiding for fear of his life.
Spanish Maths
Don't chill the champagne, though. Under Spanish law these monsters can't serve more than forty years no matter what the sentence.
They kill us and we hit them with soft pillows.
Update: According to the Los Angeles Times, it gets worse:
One of the accused masterminds of the 2004 Madrid terror bombings was acquitted of all charges today by a Spanish court in the culmination to a politically divisive trial over Europe's worst Islamic militant terror attack.They have him boasting of his perfidity and they let him walk scot free. Dear God.
Rabei Osman, a 35-year-old Egyptian, allegedly bragged during a wiretapped phone conversation that the attacks, which killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,800, were his idea. Twenty-eight people were charged in the attacks.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Invisible Tanks
The Mulculturalism of Fear
Europe mostly tolerates those whom it fears.To coin a phrase, indeed.
Dog Shoots Man
Yeah, we've heard that one before.
Old Orange
If that sort of thing is of value, then the back of my fridge must be a treasure trove. I think I've got a bit of bacon in there that dates back to the Wilson government.
Monday, 29 October 2007
G. I. Joe and the Memory Hole
G. I. Joe is now a Brussels-based outfit that stands for Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity, an international co-ed force of operatives who use hi-tech equipment to battle Cobra, an evil organization headed by a double-crossing Scottish arms dealer.
Pickled Pachyderms
Eight Out of Ten
Unfortunately, the impression has been created by many Muslim leaders that Islam seeks to control all aspects of individuals' lives and does not shrink from using secular power to achieve its aim. We are all well aware of extreme examples in recent history, such as Afghanistan under the benighted Taliban regime. Until that fear is laid to rest, it is quite rational for the rest of us to fear Islam's political ambitions - which is one reason why the word "Islamophobia" is so stupid. A phobia is an irrational fear, but secular Westerners actually have perfectly rational reasons to be at least wary of Islam.
The question is not about kings and popes (though it is certainly relevant to the temporal ambitions of the current pope). It is about how religionists of any stripe can reassure the rest of us that they will not use the coercive power of the state to impose their contentious (and, let's face it, usually miserable) moral doctrines, should they come to command an electoral majority.The matter of "miserable moral doctrines" aside, this is only half true. Yes, it is a question of reassurance, but not, as any competent theologian will tell you, that the church will be dangerous if it is backed by the power of the state. It is rather theat the state will be dangerous if it is backed by the awesome power of the church in the hands of fallible human beings. Hence the reason why most Christians reject theocracy and why even in the high-water time of the Catholic church the Pope only ruled his temporal realms as an earthly prince equal with his fellows.
Indeed, G. K. Chesterton dealt with this very neatly in The Everlasting Man when he addressed the Arian Heresy and the myth of the state as dictator of faith:
Take another rationalistic explanation of the rise of Christendom. It is common enough to find another critic saying, 'Christianity did not really rise at all; that is, it did not merely rise from below; it was imposed from above. It is an example of the power of the executive, especially in despotic states. The Empire was really an Empire; that is, it was really ruled by the Emperor. One of the Emperors happened to become a Christian. He might just as well have become a Mithraist or a Jew or a Fire-Worshipper; it was common in the decline of the Empire for eminent and educated people to adopt these eccentric eastern cults. But when he adopted it it became the official religion of the Roman Empire; and when it became the official religion of the Roman Empire, it became as strong, as universal and as invincible as the Roman Empire. It has only remained in the world as a relic of that Empire; or, as many have put it, it is but the ghost of Caesar still hovering over Rome.' This also is a very ordinary line taken in the criticism of orthodoxy, to say that it was only officialdoms that ever made it orthodoxy. And here again we can call on the heretics to refute it.A small point, but an important one.
The whole great history of the Arian heresy might have been invented to explode this idea. It is a very interesting history often repeated in this connection; and the upshot of it is in so far as there ever was a merely official religion, it actually died because it was merely an official religion; and what destroyed it was the real religion. Arius advanced a version of Christianity which moved, more or less vaguely, in the direction of what we should call Unitarianism; thought was not the same, for it gave to Christ a curious intermediary position between the divine and human. The point is that it seemed to many more reasonable and less fanatical; and among these were many of the educated class in a sort of reaction against the first romance of conversion. Arians were a sort of moderates and a sort of modernists. And it was felt that after the first squabbles this was the final form of rationalized, religion into which civilization might well settle down. It was accepted by Divus Caesar himself and became the official orthodoxy; the generals and military princes drawn from the new barbarian powers of the north, full of the future, supported it strongly. But the sequel is still more important. Exactly as a modern man might pass through Unitarianism to complete agnosticism, so the greatest of the Arian emperors ultimately shed the last and thinnest pretense of Christianity; he abandoned even Arius and returned to Apollo. He was a Caesar of the Caesars; a soldier, a scholar, a man of large ambitions and ideals; another of the philosopher kings. It seemed to him as if at his signal the sun rose again. The oracles began to speak like birds beginning to sing at. dawn; paganism was itself again; the gods returned. It seemed the end of that strange interlude of an alien superstition. And indeed it was the end of it, so far as there was a mere interlude of mere superstition. It was the end of it, in so far as it was the fad of an emperor or the fashion of a generation. If there really was something that began with Constantine, then it ended with Julian.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Friday, 26 October 2007
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Foresight is a Rarity
This by a woman who has no doubt been warned six ways to Sunday by her press secretary never to appear in an apron for fear of being thought "submissive."
No wonder I get these migraines.
Stalin's "Supermen"
According to the Scotsman, Stalin had a lot in common with Dr. Vornoff.
THE Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to recently uncovered secret documents.I guess that's what they really meant by the New Soviet Man.
Moscow archives show that in the mid-1920s Russia's top animal breeding scientist, Ilya Ivanov, was ordered to turn his skills from horse and animal work to the quest for a super-warrior.
According to Moscow newspapers, Stalin told the scientist: "I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat."
Come to think of it, given that Homo Sovieticus was essentially a mindless brute with all human thought and sympathy bred out of him, it probably isn't that much of a joke.
Smoking Licence
Not surprisingly, Prof. le Grand also proposes banning food manufacturers from adding salt to products, an exercise hour for all employees during the working day and free fruit in offices.
Failure to eat the fruit will, presumably, be made an imprisonable offence.
Running Comment
I was evacuated during the fires, and all I have to say is that the last few days have been awful.I can imagine. Though why he was being force-fed laxatives remains a mystery.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
A Humiliating Turn of Events
French Intellectuals Accuse Dutch of “Unacceptable Cowardice”
It's offical; pigs fly!
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Wishlist Dinosaur
If my wife is reading this, I would like to remind her that Christmas is coming and I already have enough ties.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Colonel Taylor, Call Your Service
The deputy mayor of the Indian capital Delhi has died a day after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys.
Night Train
The sculpture is intended to reflect the romance of past train travel.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Flash Gordon Cinema Update
After yesterday's Flash Gordon film festival jayessell asked if any of the clips were from the notorious 1980 feature with the bombastic score by Queen. Indeed so, and here are the opening credits featuring some of Alex Raymond's incredible artwork.
We were also asked about the Filmation series that came out at the same time. The animated clip yesterday was from the television film that was only ever aired once, but was then cannibalised for scenes for the Saturday morning serial that was basically an expansion and toning down of the film plot.
A bit pedestrian as themes go, but still infinitely preferable to this Scifi Channel pap.
We also forgot the '70s soft core parody Flesh Gordon that kept a lot of FX artists gainfully employed during lean times, so in the interest of completeness, here it is. Caution: Brief nudity and strong language.
Unfortunately, now that we've started, we have to include the 1993 sequel Flesh Gordon meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders as well. The real tragedy of this one is that even it outdoes the current series.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Australia in Space
Taking barren, lifeless balls of dust and converting them into prosperous, free, democratic friendly, hard-working Anglophone nations that swear fealty to Her Britannic Majesty and boast beautiful beaches, loads of beef and lamb, superb seafood, barbecues, scuba diving, sailing, horseback riding, decent beer and Vegemite? A staunch ally through a century of war and conflict? The sort of place that my wife keeps asking me if we should emigrate to?
When do we start?
Pull Out Of Their...
This assault on the sideboard was so blatant and predictable that even John Mortimer came out and denounced this invasion of privacy as absurd. Given that Mr. Mortimer is a quintessential Claret Socialist, this is not at all surprising.
What is even less surprising is that the Times reports that the "safe" drinking limits that the government has been pounding us over the head with for twenty years were "plucked out of the air."
Plucked out of somewhere that is certain, though I suspect it wasn't the air.
Friday, 19 October 2007
Peter Cushing, Call Your Service
Oh, this should end well!
Road to Nowhere
Conservative Dhimmitude
- Iran has "legitimate reasons for wanting nuclear weapons."
- Muslim preachers who advocate a rejection of democracy and its institutions should not be denied entry into Britain.
- Education in Britain should be changed to provide "full recognition to the massive contribution that Islam has made to the development of Western civilisation".
- Britain should think twice about supporting Israel unless they want the wrath of the umma to come down on their heads.
So, who are this lot? A load of raving Jihadi imams? No, its the Tory party's Conservative Muslim Forum.
It's like walking into the Carlton Club in 1943 and seeing Von Ribbentrop propping up the bar.
A Winter's Tale
Since it is so utterly craven and vacuous, I guess we can call it the "multiculti grove".
Exploding the Euro Myths
Alan Coren 1938-2007
Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we should have people standing in the corners of our rooms.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Evil; Pure Evil
I can imagine myself encountering one of these Hunt-The-Karzis at a dinner party as the curried lentils start to assault my colon. The volley of cursing that ensued would scorch the wallpaper black.
Bookworm Alert
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Wednesday, 17 October 2007
The Picturephone
People did not want to comb their hair to answer the telephone.
Forbes magazine looks at birth and instant death of the Picturephone.
Queen Victoria
"Youth" in Amsterdam
Though the religion of the "youths" of indeterminate religion was not mentioned in the article, the fact that the assailant was "personally acquainted with Mohammed Bouyeri, the convicted killer of the late film director Theo van Gogh, as well as with other Moroccan-Dutch terrorist suspects", it is a fair bet that they were not Methodists.
Asked about the incident and riots,
Moroccan-Dutch residents of Slotervaart complained to reporters they were "sick and tired" of continuous "negative news reports" about fellow Moroccan-Dutch, adding they felt increasingly stigmatized."Sick and tired" of "negative news reports"? Here is a small suggestion for what it is worth: Maybe the "Moroccan-Dutch" of indeterminate religion would stop being "stigmatised" if they stopped brutally murdering filmmakers, forswore attacking police officers, and refrained from rioting in the streets when one of their co-indeterminate-religionists is brought to justice.
It's called civilisation. Try it some time.
Swords Have Two Edges
If you are not responsible for your actions, then you will not be given responsibility.
A new study says that obese people are not responsible for their condition and the British government "pledged to draw up a strategy to address the issue."
That's about as ominous a promise as "we're here to help." Translated this means that the overweight will be "helped" the same way smokers were by being hounded from pillar to post until they are beaten into submission.
If I were a gay rights activist I would be very worried at this edict. If a supposedly involuntary, yet unhealthy "lifestyle" can be persecuted out of existence because it has been declared a thoughtcrime by the Party is momentarily unpopular, then homosexuals, and the rest of us, might be enjoying but a brief Indian summer before a very hard winter.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Blaming the Victim
Still one could argue Vilks should have known better because of what happened in Denmark in 2005, when a cartoonist's depictions of the prophet sparked violent protests in the Muslim world and prompted death threats against that cartoonist's life.Translation: How dare Mr. Vilks refuse to act the good dhimmi and draw the wrath of the Faithful upon his head. Remember what happened to the Danes!
It's as one with Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali's claim that Australian women who refuse to wear the hijab are "abandoned meat" and therefore deserve to be raped. I expect that sort of bile from a raving Jihadist, but from a respected Western news agency it is nothing less than counseling cowardice in a time of war.
Monday, 15 October 2007
Some Revolutionaries Are More Equal Than Others
The hope was that the conference would produce a synthesis of Marxist and Khomeinist ideologies and highlight what the Iranian leader has labeled "the divine aspect of revolutionary war." But the event itself proved rather embarrassing.
Today, communism has been consigned to the garbage can of history as foreseen by Imam Khomeini. Thus progressists everywhere must accept the leadership of our religious, pro-justice movement.
Collaring the Clergy
In a recent Internet bulletin, Father John Hayes of St Mary's Church, Hornchurch, East London commented on the case of Shabina Begum, the Muslim girl who recently went to court over her demand to attend school in full veil. According to reports,
Hayes had said in his Internet bulletin, after hearing an interview with Shabina Begum, that it was never possible to convince anyone by argument in matters of religion.
Hayes said, “My point was that you have to demonstrate what it means to be Christian through your actions."
The result of this? A visit from the thoughtpolice constabulary investigating a possible thoughtcrime an allegation of incitement of racial hatred.
History of religion
Air Singapore
Air Singapore reveals the features of its new Airbus A380.
Given the flying cattle cars that I'm forced to inhabit on the rare occasions when I'm dragged kicking and screaming on to modern airliners, this sort of thing gives me both hope when I see what is on offer and an impenetrable black mood when I see the price tag.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Creeping Credits
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Thirteen to Centaurus
For your Saturday sci-fi feature we present this disturbing little J.G. Ballard tale from 1965: Thirteen to Centaurus.
Friday, 12 October 2007
30 Reasons to Hate the French
The Camel's Nose
Problem solved? Hardly. The MSA promptly showed their sense of compromise and reconciliation by saying that the change in the menu wasn't good enough because the restaurant still served alcohol and played dance music. According to Ahmad Jaballah, a former MSA executive and current Scarborough Campus Students Union VP students and equity,
This initiative was brought forth solely by Bluff’s without ever consulting the MSA or Muslim students. If this was a deliberate accommodation, it’s kind of offensive in giving us the food in a manner unsuitable to us.Translation: That's what appeasement gets you.
Pontius Pilate, Call Your Service
The New Etiquette
- A handshake is a perfectly acceptable form of greeting, though if the recipient is female, try to restrict the breakage to the smaller bones of the hand.
- An offer of a cheek to kiss is best responded to with a blank stare of complete incomprehension followed by a look implying that the cheek-offerer has gone mad.
- The offer of a "Soprano-style" hug anywhere outside of backstage at the Royal Theatre should be politely declined with a cold-conking.
The builders hope that they will receive the first signals by 2025, though loyal readers of Ephemeral Isle will recall that such a message has already been received and it isn't exactly what Carl Sagan had in mind.
Space Guns
Unfortunately, lasers are not involved.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Problem, Meet Solution
In other news, Ephemeral Isle is marketing handy sledge hammers that you can use to smash busybody shopping trolleys to tiny bits if they stick their metallic noses into your business.
Tiny Minds
At least, that's what the voices keep telling them.
Quatermass and the Pit (Part 6)
London becomes a Martian colony and it's up to Quatermass to save the Earth.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Fatty Cascade
An object lesson in what happens when an untested hypothesis is blindly acccepted when it serves the ends of those who believe they have a "Science-given" right to control the lives of others.
The Ultimate Martini
Oddly, in many parts of Australia this procedure is known as "cutting out the middleman."
Quatermass and the Pit (Part 5)
Can Quatermass convince the government of the danger before it's too late? Find out in Part 5.
Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Atomic Che
(T)he people (of Cuba) you see today tell you that even if they should disappear from the face if the earth because an atomic war is unleashed in their names... they will feel completely happy and fulfilled.
Unfortunately, they do overlook the tiny matter of his knowingly working in the cause of a totalitarian system, his love of mass executions, his introduction of the gulag to Cuba, his rank cowardice in battle, and his wild fanaticism that made him lust after the idea of universal Stalinist dictatorship ushered in on the backs of a hundred million radioactive corpses.
But that's just awkward nit-picking against the reputation of a dead Communist murderer who's cornered the tee-shirt market.
Million Dollar Mistake.
Quatermass and the Pit (Part 4)
Are we the Martians? Find out in Part 4.
Tune in tomorrow for Part 5
Monday, 8 October 2007
Ford Nucleon
The Future is Now (1955)
The future! Mystic land of videophones and electronic player pianos.
Player pianos?
Quatermass and the Pit (Part 3)
What mystery is behind the history of Hobb's lane? Find out in Part 3.
Tune in tomorrow for Part 4.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Multiculti Madness
David Pryce-Jones made the point that, in persisting with his lurid accusations, Mohammed Fayed revealed how little he understands Britain: He’s lived there for years, it’s been good to him, he owns Harrod’s and the Paris Ritz and various other baubles. No big deal. He’s one of many, many beneficiaries of Western openness to “the other.” And yet he’s convinced himself that Buckingham Palace is so consumed by “Islamophobia” that the Queen’s husband dialed M, and M called in Moneypenny, and Moneypenny faxed 007, and a week later the princess and her Islamostud are dead.
Reality is more humdrum: In multiculti Britain, everyone was indifferent to Di’s Muslim lover. Could have been a Hindu, could have been a Buddhist. Who cares? But instead Mr Fayed has retreated into the paranoia and victim mentality that stunts so much of the Muslim world. A while back, I was in Jordan, and a wealthy Saudi told me that the Iraq war was part of a continuous western assault on Islam that includes the British Royal Family’s assassination of Dodi Fayed. And so, in a London courtroom, a freak one-off celebrity death becomes just another snapshot of the big geopolitical picture.