An absolutely wretched time here at Chez Szondy. The daughter had a touch of stomach flu last night and had to spend the night in our bed with a bucket on standby. This is not one of those things that lends itself to a good night's sleep. First, you're up far too late. Second, bedclothes and jammies have to be changed at least once. Add to that the fact that you can't turn over properly, a nightlight is glaring in your face, the dogs are completely confused, and you have to sleep with one ear open for any sound of a warning tummy gurgle and getting so little rest that you might as well get the crossword and be done with it. The upshot is that you end up greeting the dawn with all the enthusiasm of an approaching rent collector.
The good part about being a freelancer is that keeping the daughter home from school is no problem. The bad part is that I get bugger all done when it becomes clear that the crisis has passed, so I end up cleaning the bathrooms and weeding the garden between bouts of Junior Monopoly (Disney Channel edition).
And people wonder why I get frantic around deadline.
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