Wednesday 12 December 2007

Vanishing Britons

The good news: British birth rates are above the replacement level.

The bad news: The British aren't the ones doing the breeding.

This century may see something historically unique happening in Britain and Europe; an entire civilisation quietly ceding its lands, its economy, its culture and its legacy to an alien people by default. Not through war or conquest, but through nothing more complicated than pure apathy and an unwillingness on the part of the people to perpetuate themselves.


Anonymous said...

This is why a baby tax, coupled with a multi-generational (say, 4) wait for immigrants to gain voting citizenship is so needed, everywhere. If people can't figure out how to keep their numbers in check, let their inability to control themselves fund the state in which they live- and make it where they [if a distinct group of immigrants] don't have the power to vote that restraint away anytime soon!

Why should we of the western world make any of our countries unpleasantly overcrowded in a arms race of reproduction with people who just simply shouldn't be there, period? The answer is not to have more children, it's to (figuratively) bash those who can't control their reproduction over the head, and to simultaneously maintain a quality in our armed forces that negates the population advantage of such countries as China.

Growth in population can not continue indefinitely. Now, while we all have breathing room, is a good point to achieve balance. Want to have five or six children? Fine. Go work very, *very* hard, be successful, and be ready to pay, up front, for each one.

The best answer? Kick out recent immigrants who don't show interest in assimilation.

Anonymous said...

I'd agree with the idea of a baby tax, as suggested by "Neel" up there. However, this is more due to my dislike of small children than anything else. In fact, I'd like to suggest a test for prospective parents; to weed out the ones who either don't know anything about parenting, or know all the wrong things (like parents who would fill their kids with a fear of God or Immigrants and other Daily-Mail-esque paranoia). The failing parents would have to hand in a few items, of course... :D

And David: don't look so down! There is an upside to all this; the "English" race will continue in other countries, thanks in large part to disgruntled ex-pats emigrating and taking their families overseas.