Tuesday 18 December 2007

Another Nail

Comedienne Jennifer Saunders is in talks to play Doctor Who in a one-off episode; the first time a woman has been cast in the role (not counting parodies).

According to the Sun,
TV bosses are keen to get a woman on board the Tardis for one of those shows.
Translation: We want fans of the show to know that we have no artistic integrity, we hold the character and format and their history in contempt, and that there is no depth to which we will not stoop for cheap, trendy "shock" value wherein we demonstrate nothing more profound than that we cannot differentiate between shock and flat-out bad taste. Oh, and we hate you all, too.

1 comment:

jayessell said...

I haven't followed the new or old episodes.
How does Dr. Who manage multiple or alternate timelines?
TransChronal Counterparts?

(I know there was a 3 Doctors episode.)