Nevertheless, I hope that the Spaniards withhold any apologies until the Muslims apologise and pay substantial reparations with interest for invading the peninsula in the 8th century in the first place; plunging the region into six hundred years of war, tyranny and turmoil while threatening the rest of Christendom with the same fate until turned back at Tours.
I'm not holding my breath, though.
Um... the medieval Islamic world was significantly more tolerant and less oppressive than medieval Christendom. Just a thought.
So maybe we should send an apology in a reverse-time capsule.
"Dear 21st century:
Sorry, we don't know what we were thinking.
25th century Muslims.
Dangit. I'm TIRED of all this arguing about religion. It's all leading NOWHERE!
Why don't we just have one dude (or dudette) for each and every religion, offshoot and sect, and have them all fight in a mansion (filled with priceless and easily wieldable objets d'art, squeaky rubber mallets, etc).
The last one standing is the One True Religion. QED.
The money that could also be made from the sale of tickets, merchandising, branding etc. could be massive, and we could use that money to save the economy.
We'd make a hell of a prophet, too.
On re-reading, that comment to antiplato didn't come out right.
"Medieval times" was a long time, and both Europe and the Caliphate and its successors were big places. Charlemagne's empire and Poland were pretty tolerant, and there were Muslim statelets that made you happy you had the privilege of paying jizya. Generally though, the medieval world was pretty brutal all around. Cherry-pick low points of one place and compare with high points of another and you've got yourself some crudely-done propaganda.
As for the exaggeratedly thin-skinned imams we get these days, they are the PR department of some of the most reactionary elements in the modern Muslim world, and would like nothing more than to bring back the Middle Ages for themselves and drag us along with them.
There, I think that's better.
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