I'll leave it to others to assess the good or ill, success or failure of Mr. Obama's tenure so far, but every time I hear the term "100 days" I'm reminded of another gentleman whose hundred days started out with promise, but whose empire ended up smaller than he'd expected.
And I thought I was stretching it by making an oblique and general comparison of Bonaparte!
Some of Hussein Husseinovich's admirers think that if it would have been offensive to my grandparents' generation, it is automatically art, so yes, I think Mr. D'Antuono knew what he was doing. Do some children go through a stage when they run around the house shouting things like "poopy!" "ass!" "poopy-ass!"? I mean, before they become undergrads (first and last time I taught anyone a Russian cussword...).
PBO is currently less popular then Nixon or Carter (not to mention W) at this time in their respective Administrations.
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