The name of the victim is not given, but is believed to be something like "J. Connor".
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Attack of the Robots
The name of the victim is not given, but is believed to be something like "J. Connor".
High Road Aerocar
I sincerely hope that the wings are retractable, otherwise side roads, parallel parking, and passing cars could be a problem.
Future Past,
Motor Car
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
100 Days
I'll leave it to others to assess the good or ill, success or failure of Mr. Obama's tenure so far, but every time I hear the term "100 days" I'm reminded of another gentleman whose hundred days started out with promise, but whose empire ended up smaller than he'd expected.
And I thought I was stretching it by making an oblique and general comparison of Bonaparte!
United States
Stand By for the Chrysler Princess
So, the US government and the unions now have controlling interest in both GM and Chrysler.
Why not nationalise the car industry? Look how well it worked with British Leyland.
Why not nationalise the car industry? Look how well it worked with British Leyland.
Motor Car,
United States
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Swine Flu Survival Kit
Or you can just cut out the pretentious double talk and buy yourself a decent chef's knife like any competent cook.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Friday, 24 April 2009
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Twilight ala Rifftrax
That's the point we decided to fuel up and floor it out of there faster than Peter Fonda pursued by a coven of Texan Satanists.
Anyway, I was delighted that the guys at Rifftrax have taken it upon themselves to restore order to the universe and was happy to part with the four bucks for the download because its a heck of a lot cheaper than Adlerian therapy.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
The Apache
But it's most effective if kept folded up and thrown, which puts it on par with the deadly ashtray.
Earth Day 2009
Also, we regret that the much-anticipated Hug-a-Polar-Bear attraction has had to be shut down owing to our discovery that polar bears are not quite as placid as thought, resulting in the first (and only) participants being rapidly reduced to polar bear chow. We tried using a koala as a stopgap, but apparently even those little bastards can get a bit stroppy.
I don't even want to think about the rabbit savaging incident.
In keeping with our pledge to reduce the event's carbon footprint as much as possible, we have banned all internal combustion engines, Blessed Gaia curse their pistons, and requested that all participants travel by G-Wiz. Unfortunately, we are more than 35 miles from the nearest recharging point, so turnout has (again) been less than what we'd hoped and we have a couple of hundredweight of soy hotdogs that we've no idea what to do with, though the local farmers have made a few impertinent and highly personal suggestions.
However, we have much greater hopes for our zero-carbon drive and are certain that we can achieve our goal of producing no carbon dioxide whatsoever as soon as we can learn to do without that whole respiration thing. Some participants have managed to hold their breath for a full four minutes, though the hyperventilating after does tend to eat into the results.
The highlight of the day, however is the live-on-tape address by The One himself, President Barack Hussein Obama, to thank everyone for their hard work in convincing the public that massive spending on green programmes has anything at all to do with a bursting real estate bubble and to apologise for the Industrial Revolution, which he points out was before he was born, so it doesn't matter that much. It was a bit a pain getting the presidential Jumbotron up the hill on its 18-wheeler juggernaut lorry followed by its media centre van, stadium-grade portable diesel generator, and air-conditioned caravans for the crew, but it was well worth it if it helps Save the PlanetTM. The Provisional Assistant Deputy Environment Undersecretary and his 27-person entourage, who flew in via Gulfstream jets specially for the occasion, said that it was wonderful how we were doing our bit to help raise awareness about the dangers inherent in the very existence of the officially-designated pollutant, carbon, which taints us all as original sin in Blessed Gaia's eyes, and the need reduce its threat via a cap and trade tax regime that will make advanced industrial societies a thing of the the (prefeudal) past.
As for the traditional Earth Day sunset ceremony, Lord Summerisle has, for his usual nominal fee of 50 percent of the gross, assured us that we have purchased sufficient offsets from the Gore/Summerisle Carbon Credits Group that the virgin sacrifice and wicker man burning can go ahead as scheduled.
Gaia be praised.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
A Leap Forward
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Friday, 17 April 2009
Sub Standard
Here's a glimpse of the Royal Navy variety.
Royal Navy,
Captain Nemo's Pedalo
Next up: The horse-drawn bathysphere.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
South Georgia Island: 1982
A bad day for the Argies.
Falklands War,
Royal Marines
Sick Day
The good part about being a freelancer is that keeping the daughter home from school is no problem. The bad part is that I get bugger all done when it becomes clear that the crisis has passed, so I end up cleaning the bathrooms and weeding the garden between bouts of Junior Monopoly (Disney Channel edition).
And people wonder why I get frantic around deadline.
Chez Szondy
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Human Regenerator
If you know anyone who has that sort of money and lack of common sense, please send me their name and bank account details.
Dr Zaius, Call Your Service
Conservationists are currently in talks with someone called "The Lawgiver".
Barry and the Pirates
On the one hand, you have the pro-Obama crowd who declare that taking out three pirates puts paid to anyone ever, ever, ever characterising Mr Obama as "President Pantywaist" while others point out that if Mr Obama hadn't sent in the FBI to negotiate with the pirates this all would have ended sooner. But I think that the most interesting observation is that if Mr Obama did anything, it was that he did nothing. Apparently, the captain of the US destroyer's standing orders were to fire on the pirates if Captain Phillips was in imminent danger and Mr Obama only came into the loop when the situation escalated into an international incident. By all reports, Mr Obama simply confirmed those standing orders and the commander on the scene executed those orders according to his best judgment. If this is the case, then Mr Obama should be praised, because the best course of action in such a situation is to trust the man on the spot and stay out of the way.
That being said, the real test of Mr Obama's mettle is not what he did or did not do in this situation, but what he does next. The piracy problem is still extant and growing and if nothing is done, things will only get worse until the freedom of the seas itself is threatened. Some, and I agree with them, say that the way forward is to take the fight to the enemy; wiping out pirate bases ashore and sinking every pirate vessel at sea, leaving the crews to literally swim home. It may not pacify the pirates, but such a sustained policy would certainly end up with a load of buccaneers stranded ashore with few new recruits and nothing to do except jump up and down in impotent rage.
Not that this seems very likely, given Mr Obama's typical well-read, but meaningless speech after the event:
I want to be very clear that we are resolved to halt the rise of privacy (sic) in that region. To achieve that goal we're going to have to continue to work with our partners to prevent future attacks, we have to continue to be prepared to confront them when they arise, and we have to ensure that those who commit acts of piracy are held accountable for their crimes.
Any more wiggle room than this would have involved him finishing by saying "Or not".
Time will tell if this episode will end in action or filed away as another distraction.
United States
Monday, 13 April 2009
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Happy Easter
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
He is not here, but is risen.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Friday, 10 April 2009
How The Other Half Flies
Just think about these next time you're stuck in a tiny, ill-cushioned seat in coach surrounded by half dozen howling children and their desperate parents on the tarmac at Luton airport for five hours without food, water, entertainment or a working toilet.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Nevertheless, I hope that the Spaniards withhold any apologies until the Muslims apologise and pay substantial reparations with interest for invading the peninsula in the 8th century in the first place; plunging the region into six hundred years of war, tyranny and turmoil while threatening the rest of Christendom with the same fate until turned back at Tours.
I'm not holding my breath, though.
Nice Capitalist Economy You've Got Here
My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.Barack Hussein Obama's little observation has a familiar ring to it.
United States
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Cattledog Castaway
Excuse me, I've a cinder in my eye.
Recoilless Scooter
One Man and His Dog
I wasn't aware that Tesco was branching out to include distilled idiocy.
New Zealand
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Friday, 3 April 2009
Another Nail
After all, it's not as if New Labour has its priorities skewed.
Thursday, 2 April 2009
A Brush With Sanity
Maybe she should have read the job description a little more closely.
Church of England,
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