As if I didn't have enough aggravation as it is.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
All of Them Almost, But Not Quite Unlike Tea
As if I didn't have enough aggravation as it is.
Practical Art
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Friday, 29 August 2008
And a Hook was Hanging on the Door!
Robot removes kidneyAnd the patient woke up the next morning in a bathtub full of ice.
Boxed Wine
Why, why do I never run into people with that much money and that little sense?
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Oh, The Humanity!
The Prime Minister calls for calm. UN in emergency session. Pope leads prayers for deliverance.
Droid on Droid Action
Begun, the Robot Wars Have.
Christo, Call Your Service
How to fight the scourge of Earth-impacting asteroids? Wrap them in Bacofoil.
Then pop them in a medium oven for two hours and serve with butter, sour cream, chives, and crumbly bacon.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Peugeot 888
Motor Car
The Shooter
I don't know how effective this is, but the entertainment possibilities are endless.
328 mph & Diesel!
I quite like the JCB livery on the car. It makes me feel that we're one step faster to the goal of the world's fastest backhoe.
Motor Car,
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Space Food
Just How Nasty Is Space Food?Notice is isn't "Is it nasty?", but "How nasty".
Space Food
I'll Have The Penne Alla Arrabiata
It's all their fault for not worshiping Blessed Gaia enough and they eat too much anyway.
United States
Digital Stars
Question is, will they be represented by digital agents?
Monday, 25 August 2008
100 Ugliest Cars
And the 1979 Aston Martin Bulldog only came in at 88. May God preserve us from No. 1.
Hug a Jihadist
"The humanity of the Taliban"? I had to read that at least three times to make sure I hadn't misunderstood. No doubt that is true in the same way that Khmer Rouge's good points were misunderstood as well, but being totalitarian murderers bent on conquest, enslavement, and genocide will do that for you.
How this remarkably silly woman manages to navigate through life without the smallest fraction of common sense or moral judgment is beyond me.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
13-in-1 Pen
For the gadget-obsessed, we present the biro that is also a 13-in-1 tool kit.
I'll admit that it's interesting and at $15 I'd probably get one at the first excuse, but it does bear a remarkable resemblance to a CIA escape kit from the Cold War.
You do not want to know where you were supposed to hide this.
Hot Pockets
Pepperoni Hot Pockets Recalled For Containing PlasticHow could they tell the difference?
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Friday, 22 August 2008
Triton 1000
Wristwatch Scales
Beer probably entered into it somewhere.
Mullahs in Space!
First the Chinese and now this. What is it about repressive tyrannies that makes them want to spend incredible amounts of money with no hope of return for the honour of retreading ground covered by the superpowers half a century ago?
Next up: Zimbabwe pledges to discover the New World.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
It may be a quantum leap in washing technology, but it is set to start when its load gets above a certain weight, so if your cat likes to snooze on your dirty shirts, this could end badly.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Ferrari Monza
If Sarah Connor goes missing I'm definitely giving the pork pies a miss.
United States
Major Boothroyd, Call Your Service
Probably just as well that point one still holds. With my luck I'd press the wrong button and fire the Stinger missiles.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Freewill: Yes or... Nevermind
Now, if you will excuse me, I must go and explain to the chair that it is, in fact, a chair.
The Quatermass Xperiment
Right. If this one goes through, then we're laughing.
Fingers crossed.
Science Fiction
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Friday, 15 August 2008
Brand New Key
If you're at a certain age you may recall this quantum of irritation from 1971.
Personally, I've always felt that this cover did far more justice to the song.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Toyota 2009 Prius
Targeting the orbital skydiving demographic.
Something tells me that they're overpromising a bit.
Motor Car
For Very Tiny Wars
Brain will be battlefield of future, warns US intelligence reportWon't it get all squishy?
More Aid Than Aid
Unfortunately, it's one of those situations where there's a whole lot of nothing we can do about it. Russia may have the long-term prospects of an old turnip in a compost heap, but today it enjoys an imperial Indian summer with its petrodollars and nuclear arsenal giving it a large degree of immunity against Western sanctions. In the case of Georgia, simple geography prevents any meaningful intervention and it looks as though Mr. Putin is going to have a free hand to do as he wills.
Or at least, it did until the Americans came up with an elegant little countering move. According to the BBC, President Bush has announced that the United States is sending humanitarian aid to Georgia–using military aircraft and ships to do the delivering. They may not be able to do any fighting, but a flotilla of ships in the Black Sea and troops on the ground in the path of Putin's tanks makes for a nice little trip wire that even a former KGB chief would think twice about stepping on.
Now if only the rest of Nato would send similar "aid" plus a couple of "goodwill" visits by a fighter wing and we'd be laughing.
United States,
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Eh, 'Eck
It's novel, I'll grant you, but I'd have more respect for their wanting to evacuate everything north of a line drawn between the Mersey and the Humber if they hadn't been saying the same thing every day since they missed the last train home on their one and only visit to Liverpool on a rainy Saturday night in 1973.
Fuel Efficiency
Never let it be said that Top Gear doesn't give you practical information.
Motor Car
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Monday, 11 August 2008
Bill of Wrongs
A cross-party committee of MPs has endorsed the idea of introducing a Bill of Rights to Great Britain.
This is one of those ideas which seems attractive on first sight, but on the second makes any sane person run a mile and then hunt around for a shovel to beat the thing to death with. In abstract, an American style Bill of Rights is a great thing. It's a document that was brilliantly conceived and has stood the test of time as one of the great works of human freedom. However, Britain is not America and this is not 1791.
For one thing, a Bill of Rights as the Americans have is impossible to have in Britain because under the parliamentary system no act of Parliament is binding on any future Parliament, which can rescind previous legislation at will. For a Bill of Rights to be effective, a constitutional convention would have to be convened and the whole of British law, tradition and precedent would have to be reduced to a single document. And I can't see that happening anytime soon in any honest fashion.
The second reason is that this is not a true Bill of Rights. The American Bill of Rights and its English precursor from 1688 were essentially records of negative rights that enumerated limits on state power. They regarded the rights of the people to be granted by God and all powers not specifically surrendered by mandate to the state remain with the people. This is clearly shown by not saying things like "The people have free speech" or a free press or the right to bear arms, but rather that the state does not have the power to infringe upon these rights. Period.
The proposed Bill does not wipe away the hated EU Human Rights Act, but rather sets it in stone and elaborates upon it with all sorts of other "rights", such as "health, housing, education and an adequate standard of living". Indeed it is such a shopping list that if it went any further it would have a "right" that would be an insult to all womankind. This is a socialist manifesto written by men who regard rights as a grant of the state, not the Almighty, looking to be implemented in such a way that it would be no more questioned or repealed than the Ten Commandments –by the people, opposition or Monarch, that is, since the provisions of the Bill allow the Party to run roughshod over these so-called rights as it sees fit.
If this is a "Bill of Rights," then it is of the sort I'd write for my dog rather than for free men. No, I take that back. My dog doesn't deserve to be treated with such disrespect. This Bill is nothing more or less than a promise made to a bullock without guarantee to be treated well as it's fattened and then slaughtered humanely come Michaelmas.
Against this I will happily settle for Magna Carta et al any day.
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Green Bricks
Save the Planet(TM); Eat a Kangaroo
Sounds like propaganda from Big Kangaroo to me.
Global Warming
Oath Under Threat
I'm not surprised. It was bad enough when MPs were allowed to "affirm" rather than swear the oath and it got only worse in recent years as MPs felt free to cross their fingers, add seditious preambles, and make snide remarks under their breath without being fined on the spot by the speaker and frog marched out of the Commons until they took the oath properly. At least Sinn Fein had the honesty to flat out refuse and were barred from sitting.
This is what happens when serious matters are not taken seriously.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Light Blogging
Such is the life of a freelance writer.
Chez Szondy
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