Saturday 19 January 2008

War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery

Daily Mail headline:
Government renames Islamic terrorism as 'anti-Islamic activity' to woo Muslims
In addition, water is dry, fire is cold, and up is down.

I was going to do this as an update to this morning's previous post on New Labour covering its eyes and hoping the Jihadists will go away, but this Orwellian touch deserves a post of its own.


jayessell said...

I suppose I should read the article, but by the description alone... they're right.

I'm no expert, but supposedly the Koran forbids killing of innocents,

This means terrorists are violating islam.

The 'Magnificent 19' killed women and children and babies on the planes.

The pope of Islam should excommunicate them retroactively.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the pope of Islam won't...nor will their be a cacophany of outrage from Sunni or Shiite leaders and/or acolytes.

They're all silent. The brethren of the 'Magnificent 19' are still caterwauling. 'Tis the squeaky wheel that gets the grease...or in this case the worldwide acknowledgement of where the religion is heading.

The simple fact of the matter is this: until mainstream Islam (if there is such thing) can begin to universally condemn the actions those that read the Quran like Mein Kampf, then in my mind the religion is being portrayed as a cancerous eighth-century barbarism that needs be stomped into nothingness before it begins to spread across liberty, civilization and reason.