Friday 25 January 2008

Wanted: A Moral Compass.

Martin Fletcher, NBC News Correspondent and Tel Aviv Bureau Chief, comes completely unglued with a column that demonstrates that he absolutely lost the ability to tell good from evil.
It is hard for me to describe Ahmed Sanakreh as a terrorist, although I know it's true. Hard, because I got to know him and his family quite well, and when you understand people, it's hard to hate them...

Alaa, Ahmed and their friend Nasser abu Aziz were my de facto guides to the Palestinian side of the second Intifada (uprising). They were terrorists to the Israelis, freedom fighters to their neighbors, and sources to me.
Dear God, how rudderless do you have to be to not only employ such monsters as "guides," but to actually sympathise with them and then try to justify it with some very public and ineffectual hand-wringing? What sort of an attitude is, "Sure they're bloodthirsty murders who don't discriminate between soldiers and little girls, but they're nice chaps when you get to know them."

To coin a phrase, Get a new soul. That thing's not fit for a dog. Get a new soul.

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