Hostage takers? Bomb throwers? Endorsing a bill that you think is wrong? Scolding your base for daring to criticise you? This is the lowest point I've seen yet for Mr Barack Hussein Obama.
Own goal, Barry? |
The once messiah who was going to stop the oceans rising and heal the planet (remember that he said that when he'd merely won the nomination!) is now forced to act like an ordinary mortal and deal in messy things like negotiations and compromises. This "historic" figure must now face electoral catastrophe, criticism from both sides of the aisle, and discovering that running down his country has made foreign leaders regard only Mr Obama as unexceptional, not the United States. No wonder he looks so drawn and acts so bad tempered and thin skinned at a press conference intended to
improve his image. As one pundit put it, it's like a press conference with Napoleon Bonaparte the day after Waterloo.
If Mr Soetoro doesn't learn some real political and diplomatic skills by New Year's, this is the start of a political death spiral that will make Gordon Brown's look like a graceful retirement. Unless he changes (and fast), I lay even money that within a year we will see the President of the United States lose it on live television and shake his fist at the American people while declaring they're not worthy of him, or he'll make a bitter and most likely racist remark (I don't believe that he slept through 20 years of Reverend Wright's sermons) in what he thinks is private, but isn't, that will drop his reputation to levels generally associated with coal mining.
I'll be very surprised if he doesn't lose it during the next State of the Union address. After all, he's going to be looking at, and attempting to lie to, a chamber formerly full of fawning sycophants, that will now be full of young, fresh faces who are there mainly because they don't agree with him.
Red flag, meet bull.
I still can't put up with listening to too much of H. Husseinovich, even with the sound turned off. The :40 here is about my tolerance level. But in the event of a meltdown I might grit my teeth and make an exception.
Frankly, I believe your prediction has probably already happened a couple of times. It's just that the news media mortgaged ALL their credibility on getting him elected, and are now desperately struggling to keep him afloat because his fall will drag them down, too. He probably spouts off racist rants all the time but we never hear them.
Hussein Husseinovich Compares Enemies of the Revolution^W^W^W^WRepublicans to Kidnappers is actually a headline in the New York Times! I am amazed. Not that I normally see the NYT, since I do not own a bird, and so need no newspapers for lining its cage, but I happened to notice.
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