Since these nicotine delivery devices are odourless and harm no one even by the pseudoscientific standards of "secondhand smoke", we can only conclude that this is nothing less than a gleeful totalitarian exercise by a load of Comissars drunk on their own petty power.
Why am I reminded of H. Beam Piper's story "Day of the Moron"?
What we really need a ban on is egotistical, narcissistic, would-be tyrants getting into the Civil Service bureaucracy. One good way would be ask them how they would solve "societal problems"- and reject anybody who thinks like (i.e., has the same delusional "reality structure" as) the King County BOH.
(PS- I don't smoke, and never have.)
Some electronic cigarette users claim that this device is safer to use. They've changed the way they smoke. Electronic cigarettes can help a smoker break the habit.
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