Monday 22 November 2010

Welcome to the tinderbox

About the time it came out that New Labour was waging a secret war against the British people by deliberately encouraging an invasion of the country, I asked rhetorically if the New Labour invasion would cease before the Immigrant Problem became the Native Problem.

It looks as though that point has already arrived–at least, as far as columnist Mrs Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is concerned as she condemns the British working class as
"either too lazy or too expensive to compete" in the new era of multi-racialism, she wrote that "tax-paying immigrants past and present keep indolent British scroungers on their couches drinking beer and watching TV".
Leo McKinstry in the Telegraph points out that this is a load of racist tosh that would never be tolerated if the roles were reversed.  He then goes on to point out that while multiculturalism may give the Political Class a warm, fuzzy feeling, it's created hell on Earth for the White working class, who are made to feel that they are strangers in their own country.

I'm not as wholly forgiving toward the working class as Mr McKinstry is.  I've read enough of Theodore Dalrymple's works to be aware of how the Welfare State begat a parasitic underclass of frightening decadence.   However, I am certain that if things do not improve soon, we're going to see Mrs Alibhai-Brown's snobbish racism become more common until it quietly slides into the mainstream of political thought.

If that happens, we are all in a lot of trouble.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put this past Ms Brown by any means, but do you have a source for the quote?

Every mention of this only references the same Telegraph piece, which itself does not mention a source, a context…

Wesley said...

Whether there is more than one source for this quote of Mrs. Alibhai-Brown or not, in the United States, her "thinking" is standard fare for American regressive politicians. (Note: American regressives, in typical pretzel-logic fashion, refer to themselves as progressives.) Race-baiting and class warfare are the SOP for their ilk.

CiH said...

Dear Mrs Alibhai-Brown, we've found someone from overseas who can write your column much cheaper than you!

Clear your desk and goodbye..

Wesley said...

CiH, don't keep us in the dark! Do tell who this most excellent scribe of yours might be!