From the BBC:
Astronomers claim to have discovered the first planet originating from outside our galaxy.
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According to reports, it is a planet revolving about an ancient, dying star that entered our galaxy from the cosmic depths of space; a star that has drifted for countless epochs upon the ethereal winds with its stony companion clutching its eldritch secrets within deep caverns of dank, hellish darkness that penetrate to the great black ocean at the very core of the sphere. Who knows what abominations from the dawn of all beginnings slumber beneath the silent wanderer's mantle? What foulness bides its time? Their very substance alien to our universe and commanding a geometry that distorts the mind and blasts the soul. A malignancy beyond all imagination; waiting once again to spread their wings and sail upon the stellar winds as they did so long ago. To soar across the gulf of space and descend upon our unwitting globe where the foolish human multitudes go about their trivial affairs shielded in ignorance of the true nature of the Universe that would make them run screaming into blessed insanity.
Iä! Iä! Chthulhu fhtagn!
The Things that once were and will be again come to claim what is theirs! The Goat with a Thousand Young! The horror as the Star Spawn burst forth from their hidden places in the Earth! Great Rhlyeh rises!
Y'ai 'ng'ngah! Yog Sothoth! Man's reign is but a brief illusion to be consumed in an unending orgy of ecstasy, pain, and madness from which there is no escape!
In other news...
Well, it's time to dig out my "How To Properly Draw An Elder Sign" instruction card again. Plus the one on the chain to hang around my neck like a badge-carrier.
It always amazes me that investigators don't carry these things the way policemen carry the Miranda Warning cards.
Who's the drain cleaning tool with the Carmen Miranda hat?
It's an Elder Thing, one of the less dire denizens of Lovecraft's universe. (I.E., it won't generally kill you without a really good reason.)
The painting is by Wayne D. Barlowe, from the first edition of "Barlowe's Guide To Extraterrestrials".
eon: thanks! By "really good reason" I assume you mean that you look like you might be crunchy and/or good with Great Old Ketchup?
Yep. Or just barging in on their underground cities uninvited.
The Elder Things (aka Old Ones) became extinct long before Man came along. This was because they were essentially wiped out by the species they created as a servitor race- the shoggoths. Which are sort of like The Blob, except with eyes, mouths, sharp teeth, a seriously bad attitude, and a taste for meat. Any meat.
And oh yes, unlike their creators, the shoggoths are still around, because (1) they don't age, and (2) they are almost unkillable. And of course (3) to keep this up, they are always hungry. Which makes them about as cranky as an Alaskan Brownie when somebody boots him in the backside in the middle of his winter nap.
Yes, they regard humans as highly delectable.
Thanks for nothing, Old Ones.
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