In the None Of Your Damn Business Department, Dutch
jumped up little Napoleons social workers are trying to make a 13-year old girl a ward of the court in order to prevent her from sailing single-handed around the world despite the fact that she is an accomplished lifetime sailor and has her parents' blessings.
tin-pot Himmlers social workers say that this is in her "best interests", but given the state of the Netherlands today, I'd say that sailing a small boat to the antipodes and back is the preferable option.
1 comment:
I was seven when my daddy taught me to sail.
I was twelve when my daddy taught me how to navigate. We had just learnt the trigonometric functions at school so he felt confident I would be able to calculate bearings.
I was thirteen when I first skippered a yacht with my parents.
I was fourteen when I made the Littoral Navigation examination.
I was fifteen when I first skippered a yacht alone.
I was eighteen when I made the Archipelago Navigation examination.
I was twenty-one when I made the Stellar Navigation (High Seas navigation) examination. Two years later I sailed to Sweden.
Laura was born on a boat, has grown up at the high seas, soloed at six, has spent seven weeks alone at Atlantic and sure knows her trade. There is no reason to assume she wouldn't be able to succeed. Her psyche is just what is needed for a single-handed sailing. And any fool can ride the tradewinds first across the Atlantic, then to Panama Canal and all the way to Australia. No need to go to the hazardous clipper route since she is not attempting the speed record.
GO LAURA GO and show those social workers which fuel burns inside you! None of them has been apparently out to sea and cannot see how much a sailor loves the sea!
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