Mr. Webb's inability to see what is right before his face is taken to even greater heights by invoking the apparent contradiction of the Virginia Tech massacre (which occurred at a widely-publicised "gun-free zone") plus a resident of Washington DC who opposes the draconian firearms ban on the city being lifted by showing off nine gunshot wounds and claiming that lifting the ban would turn the capital into the "wild west". Mr. Webb does not ask him, "as opposed to what?"
Next up: Why the United States believes in military force despite defeating Communism and Fascism, has a record prison population despite a low crime rate, and grows vast amounts of food despite not suffering from famine.
Become like the wild west...ugh...
Thirty-nine US states have a right to carry license; where's the cotton-picking proof that that has EVER happened BESIDE during the wild west!?
You know, Liberals ascribe to one heck of an astounding paradox: question, criticize and (eventually) fear the government, but oppose the constitutionally-dictated means to overthrow it...
Boggles the mind.
I'm not getting into this gun debate. Maybe legalised weapons lower crime, maybe they increase crime, who knows. (I live in the UK, where guns are outlawed, except possibly for angry farmerS)
All I know is that gun control isn't the answer; bullet control is.
This is ingenious! In Yugoslavia we had two military branches: the regular 'Peoples army' with enlisted men that operated the hi-tech equipment, and the 'Territorial defence' which was supposed to distribute old rifles, grenades and bazookas among the population if a war came up.
The Peoples army would try to stop or delay the invading forces, and the territorial defence would hide in occupied areas and make the invader's life a living hell with surprise strikes. You Americans already have an army under cover and no invader can hope to occupy America with success. That is the only purpose of allowing weapon possession in the states.
Aboslutely wrong, John.
The American Second Amendment is as follows: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
True, in order to keep itself secure from foreign interlopers, the government must be able to establish a militia--an actor of force to be used in defense of a state.
Yet, BECAUSE a government needs to have access to an actor of force, the People (private citizens) have the right to possess weapons in order to engage in armed insurrection against their government, should that government use the militia to curb and curtail the People's liberties.
Private weapon possession in accordance with the US Constitution's second amendment is not, nor has it ever been, about homeland security, property security, hunting or any other convoluted notion that is commonly attributed to its existence.
It is about the People maintaining an effective buttress against the threat of a dictitorial regime.
Now, I suppose you could always call the police to fight your battles for you, but who do you call against the police?
That is pretty much what happened here at my place-serbs had the tanks, and everyone else had molotov cocktails and hand grenades, courtesy of Territorial defence. The two military branches were never meant to fight each other, but by 1991 the communist army had practically evaporated in a rise of nationalism. Serbian tanks had old royalist symbols painted over the red star.
So household weapons served us good when it came to defending ourselves in a war, but today Croatia has one of the lamest, most incompetent and corrupted governments that I know of, which naturally made me cry for the old system that fell apart.
If what You say is true then America is a truly ingenious democratic system designed to break itself up and start from scratch if the people don't like the government. But after that happens, don't take the lazy, criminal, idiotic shmucks to lead You like we did.
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