Mr Edward "Ed" Milliband, having gone off the deep end, thinks that subjecting Britain to a fatal game of Beggar Your Neighbour is the equivalent to the US civil rights movement. You know, the movement that
didn't turn cities into battle zones while screaming cries of "Smash the state!".
I never ceased to be amazed by the brass of the MSM. If a peaceful conservative demonstration is cursed by one looney with a rude sign about the tree of liberty and the blood of tyrants, we get barrels of ink spilled about the "culture of violence". If
thousands of barbarians riot, smash, pillage, and burn in the centre of London, we're
admonished not to think that the day was other than a "family affair" marred by a "
Few in this context is a small army.
"Family affair" |
On the bright side, if this load of parasites gets their way, we'll see very few such demonstrations in the future–not because the Left will be satiated, but because Britain will be so broke that even the basic infrastructure will collapse. Demos will then be confined to those who live (or, at least, hide) in the ruins of what was once Westminster.
1 comment:
A kinetic peaceful demonstration.
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