"Bland" is a misleading term. For the most part, it just means sticking to foods that don't irritate the stomach or oesophegus lining, don't generate gas, and don't encourage peristalsis (that's all the churning and squeezing that the GI tract gets up to as it goes about its business). So, no spicy foods, no whole grains, no raw fruits or vegetables, fried foods, smoked meats, or strong cheeses. I don't mind the cottage cheese, rice puddings, poached eggs, white bread. Nor am I too annoyed at all the milk and ice water I'm using to keep it down. And I actually like grilled chicken breasts and steamed vegetables. I am, however, put out that I had to go on this regime while the fridge is well stocked with ham, sharp cheddar, sausages, and fresh apples. I suspect that they're deliberately taunting me. I'm also not used to having to think twice before nibbling on something. I had one ginger biscuit yesterday and within five minutes I was reminded why I'm on the boiled carrots.
The hardest part is that I am reduced a very occasional glass of the cheap plonk and ONE cup of tea a day. For a man who has a thin stream of blood running through his caffeine system, that is a hard cross to bear. It's made even worse because I have to sleep propped up on pillows to keep the stomach acid from sloshing up the dinner pipe. It's bad enough not getting a decent night's sleep, but without a full pot to counteract it in the morning and another sustaining brew up in the afternoon, I'm a) dragging through the day, b) more bad tempered than usual, and c) falling asleep in the car while waiting to pick up my daughter from school. How the deuce the Romans managed to conquer the known would without cuppa, I cannot fathom.
Vini, Vedi, Vi....ZZZZZZZZZZ...
Owww! That does not sound like fun.
Good luck with "diet" and fingers crossed it's nothing serious.
I concur with the first poster, that's an unpleasant regimen to have to deal with, but on the plus side, if you can clear up the trouble you can avoid any long term solution that the medicos may prescribe.
Hope that you'll be back to scotch and reuben sandwiches (or whatever your favorites may be) in short order.
Sorry to hear. Feel better. If this thing does not clear up on its own, I hope it's something that can be zapped with a dose or two of some modern miracle-drug.
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