First Jamie Oliver and now Ramsey. What is it about celebrity chefs that brings out the totalitarian in them? I once ran a kitchen myself, so I understand how wielding the big knife can instill delusions of grandeur, but usually the pocket dictatorship doesn't extend beyond terrorising the staff and browbeating the customers in the dining room.
Happy days, happy days.
Hey, when veggies are outlawed... aw, hell, the outlaws can go ahead and have my veggies. Never liked veggies much anyway.
Between the house and town I've been seeing lots of carrots along the roadside, obviously fallen from farm trailers enroute to market. But this article now makes me think that if we don't control vegetables when they are just sprouts they could end up selling themselves along the way like these wayward country carrots.
I do want to add that I'm surprised that Ramsay managed to speak a full 30 seconds without saying $#@!! and %#$@&^(#!! even once.
Outlaw Ramsay instead !!!Micen90
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