Not that I have any claim to immunity from the fad. I belonged to a gym back in the '80s when I decided to do something about keeping in shape over the winter teaching schedule between archaeological excavations. For about five weeks I did the usual round of treadmills, running tracks, and making odd machines move in odd ways until I figured out that this was too much like hard work. Besides, I have the sort of physique that exercise doesn't so much build up as pummel down. I still went regularly, however, since I discovered that steam baths are an exceptional way of nursing a hangover.
Nowadays I follow the Chez Szondy fitness plan, which consists of keeping up a house in the country while chasing after two dogs and a five-year old.
1 comment:
You should market it David. If Atkins could convince people to keep off carbs and Jim Fixx could convince people to jog...okay, bad examples...
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