Update: Rumours that the Army is being called up to take over services have yet to be confirmed, though paratroopers in full battle dress carrying the Chicago Manual of Style and scribbling bits of dialogue have been seen in the Los Angeles area.
But who's going to provide my daily supply of mediocrity?
You know I read this blog because I liked your conservative viewpoint and ability to find relevant links to ridiculous stories.
But what's with his grumpy old man act for the last few days? Is there ANYTHING you actually like, or is everything just crap to you?
Sorry, I'm done with this blog, grandpa.
How dare You anonymous talk like that to Mr. Szondy ? You are probably just another spoiled teenage maggot.
Sorry anonymous, but everybody can have an "off" day Don't you ever get grumpy ? Just get real and take heed of the humour and wisdom emanating from Chez Szondy...Regards Micen90
Anonymous, what you must know is that David Szondy is a quite conservative man, so he does like some things. Also, he's from over here in the UK, so he's going to be quite bitter.
A helpful tip to make reading the blog more fun; when reading one of his more conservative pieces and you disagree with him, just google "Blogs 4 Brownback", and read the resultant blog.
Then come back and read the (relatively) refreshingly calm and witty views of Mr. Szondy. Repeat as needed.
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