In his Commons Confidential diary for the BBC, Nick Assinder reports that at the Bush/Brown summit the Prime Minister Mr. Gordon Brown was served at dinner roast tenderloin of beef, mashed potatoes, sautéed green beans and peas with smoked bacon and mint followed by a dessert of brownies with caramel and vanilla sauce.
A photo accompanied the entry with the caption,
Gordon Brown has been served traditional US food
And this is the image:

Apparently, the BBC imagines that "roast tenderloin of beef, mashed potatoes, sautéed green beans and peas with smoked bacon and mint followed by a dessert of brownies with caramel and vanilla sauce" is indistinguishable from a sloppily made and what looks like ice-cold double cheeseburger.
You'd think they'd at least have rung Gordon Ramsey for a fact check.
We don't really need Gordon. Anybody can roll their eyes and call the Beeb 'effing tarts.
I'm surprised they didn't go whole hog and show a roast baby on a platter.
I think the US should declare the BBC a terrorist organization and cruise-missile Broadcast House.
Did you fucking miss this bit?
"The White House also revealed that Monday's lunch menu was classic American fare - cheeseburgers, French fries and onion rings, followed by banana pudding."
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