Sunday 4 June 2006

Fast Food of Satan

When I was working in the Middle East back in the '80s, I generally had very little money and very little time when I was in town, so I ate a heck of a lot of falafel. I didn't know exactly what falafel was (there was a very funny television sketch where the only person who could explain it was killed by a sniper before he could reveal the secret), but it was hot, nourishing, and on a round of toasted flat bread it was sooo goood.

Now, according to the Telegraph, word out of Iraq is that the Jihadists have declared that falafel is an insult to Islam and the militias are cracking down on heretical street vendors.

"They came telling us, 'You have 14 days to end this job' and I asked them what was the problem," said Abu Zeinab, 32, who was packing up his stall for good yesterday in the suburb of al Dora, a hardline Sunni neighbourhood.

"I said I was just feeding the people, but they said there were no falafels in Mohammed the prophet's time, so we shouldn't have them either."

Of course, it's also a Jewish plot:

It is, however, just one of many Islamic edicts to hit Baghdad in recent weeks, prohibiting everything from the growing of goatee beards (a "Jewish" style) to the sale of mayonnaise - because it is allegedly made in Israel.

They're not just bullies and killers, they're crazy bullies and killers.

Tip o' the hat to Dhimmi Watch.

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