Wednesday, 29 February 2012
BMW Concept M135i brings the entry level 1 Series into the M performance class
BMW puts a lot of stock into its 1 Series motor cars. As its entry level line, the 1 Series was meant to both eradicate the memory of the failed BMW Compact and to lead first-time BMW owners toward more prestigious performance models, such as the M class. The BMW Concept M135i, which is slated to be put before the public at the 2012 Geneva International Motor Show on March 7, 2012, is BMW’s latest attempt to create a hot hatchback that combines and expands on both the 1 Series and the M lines... Continue Reading BMW Concept M135i brings the entry level 1 Series into the M performance class
Bill and the volcano
Personally, I prefer a more traditional approach |
Across the world, as sea levels climb remorselessly, the load-related bending of the crust around the margins of the ocean basins might – in time – act to sufficiently “unclamp” coastal faults such as California’s San Andreas, allowing them to move more easily; at the same time acting to squeeze magma out of susceptible volcanoes that are primed and ready to blow.Global warming causes volcanoes. Even by climate alarmist standards this is so silly on the most basic of grounds that it makes about as much sense as claiming that petting cats causes lightning storms. This lot are so superstitious that they'll be amending the Kyoto treaty to include something about tossing the occasional virgin into Mauna Loa just to be on the safe side.
No wonder James Delingpole has stopped being polite to them.
Max, call your service
Wyoming is preparing for the worst and drawing up plans for if the federal government collapses and the state must survive on its own.
It looks fairly promising until you get to the bit about how civil disputes will be resolved by "Two men enter, one man leaves".
United States,
She's got a ticket to park
Yanko Design (The DREADCO of the design world) does it again with their car park meter machine that prints out a map with your assigned parking spot right on your ticket. Imagine the convenience. Imagine the reassurance. Imagine the blistering fury when you discover that some plonker is parked half in your space.
The most entertaining thing will be watching the entire scheme go south as one unusable space leads to the usurping of a second, which turns into a cascade effect that brings it all crashing to a halt.
Motor Car,
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Ingsoc airways
A vintage scene from behind the Iron Curtain:
An elderly couple hears that there will be a delivery of meat at a local store. The husband hurries off to the store. After he has waited on line in the freezing cold for several hours, an official car pulls up and some KGB men get out. They tell the people on line that the meat delivery has been canceled, and that everyone should go home.
This is too much for the old boy. "Is this why we fought and suffered in the Great Patriotic War?" he calls out in exasperation. "Is this all we have to show for sixty years of socialism?"Why this old Cold War joke? Because the KGB man's attitude is still alive and well as this BBC item demonstrates:
One of the KGB men comes over to him. "Pipe down, Grandad," he says. "That's subversive talk. You're old enough to know what would have happened if you'd spoken like that in Stalin's time." The KGB man makes his hand into a gun shape and points it at his head. "Go on home now and stop making trouble."
The old boy goes home. Seeing him empty-handed, his wife says: "Oh no! Don't tell me they've run out of meat again!"
"It's worse than that," says the old boy. "Now they've run out of bullets!"
Former fireman Mr Jones, 67, was on his way to Faro in the Algarve, where he now lives.And here's the kicker (emphasis added):
He was asked to place his belongings, including his scarf, into a tray to pass through the scanner.
However, as he did so, he spotted the woman pass through the area without showing her face.
Speaking to Radio 4's Today programme, he recalled how he said to officials: "I wonder what would happen if I covered my face with my scarf.
"It was a quip. And I expected the guy to say: 'Yeah, I know what you mean mate' but when I got to the end and was putting all my stuff back on, I was bagged by a security guard."
Mr Jones said he was told: "You've made a remark which someone finds offensive. Come with me."
He denied making an offensive remark, saying it was "an observation, nothing more", but he was told he should apologise to a Muslim security guard who was nearby when the comment was made.
Imagine such a scene occurring in 1943 with a German who somehow getting a job running a security post in England. I would have thought that a Muslim security guard working at an airport where he is employed thanks to the heightened security measures due to terrorist attacks by Muslim Jihadists that we are at war with would be a bit more circumspect about what he takes offence at.
This is not what one expects to find in a free society. This sort of petty tyranny is what one expects from the Gestapo or the Stasi, not in Britain. Never mind the farcical, totalitarian idea that a man can be detained because he said something that someone finds offensive, no matter how unreasonably. The appalling notion that a security guard can demand an apology from a member of the public for what offended him is ghastly and everyone involved in this incident and their immediate superiors should be sacked and publicly shamed.
These airport guards, like the police, are public servants and they should conduct themselves accordingly. I've never called a policeman "sir" in my life and the idea that I should is laughable. And I certainly wouldn't do so to a rent-a-cop who is only slightly higher on the evolutionary scale than a traffic warden. It's one thing to haul a man in for insulting a constable to his face in a manner liable to cause a breach of the peace. It's another thing to think that a freeborn Englishman has to tiptoe around some jumped up little Himmler in an ill-fitting uniform and latex gloves whose job it is to molest the travelling public as part of farcical and ineffective screening process. It is monstrous and should not be allowed to stand.
There are only two positive things I took away from this incident. The first is that Mr Jones is consulting with his solicitor about taking legal action and the second is that I thank Heaven that it didn't happen to me. The moment the apology was demanded, I'd have ended up in chokey after letting rip such a bellowing verbal outrage that it would have set off every car alarm between Brighton and Croydon.
Monday, 27 February 2012
An oily home
The idea of living in a converted oil tank is intriguing. At the least, it would look very cool. However, I can't decide which is the worst about this particular proposal:
- All the silly "green" touches.
- The ludicrous, upside down, inside-out layout that has the master bathroom opening on the living room rather than the bedroom.
- The fact that the architect intends to have the tank completely dismantled, taken off site, almost entirely rebuilt and then reassembled at another site.
AIRE mask
Now you can charge up your iPod just by breathing.
Or you may have notice that thing in the wall that the charger plugs into. Apparently, the designer is unaware of it.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Lyonheart K - a modern take on the Jaguar E-Type
Friday, 24 February 2012
We used to dream of plankton!
When I were a lad, we 'ad it tough. We'd have to get up at two o'clock in the morning, go down t'mill, work 18 hours a day, come home and all we'd 'ave t'eat was a bowl of plankton.
Future Food,
Second World War
Hobby horse nation
We present the symbol of an age.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Mobile Kitchen Unit
Nicely compact, I must admit, but if you're going to go this minimal, you might as well go for a gas ring and a camping mess kit (steel, not aluminium) with a canvas roll for the utensils and be done with it.
By coincidence, that's exactly what I used at Oxford back in the '80s.
The Dynasphere revisited
Future Past,
Motor Car
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
UK's next generation Wildcat helicopter completes sea trials
British Army,
Royal Navy
Noah's Ark
For those not very big tsunamis Please confirm ave height before using. |
No doubt the architecture dodge wave of water-borne debris crashing down it like a sledge hammer by luckiness. I hope so because all that hurtling timber and motor cars aren't going to do the Ark's tsunami-driven hydroelectric generators any good at all.
How anyone is supposed to reach this thing in the event of an earthquake is left to the imagination as is the question of what the survivors are supposed to do when they get there because instead of dormitories and medical facilities the Ark consists entirely of a tastefully lit garden and a small art gallery.
This may prove something of a disappointment on the day
Space tucker
What? No Tang? |
Doesn't seem that hard a task to me. Lay in some ship's biscuit, bully beef, a few wheels of cheese, dried peas, sauerkraut, jam, tea, bacon, porridge, Bovril, tinned butter, tinned milk, powdered eggs, lime juice, beer, and an ample supply of rum* and and you're set.
Oh, and the shrimp cocktail, of course.
*Pemmican, cocoa and Kendal mint cakes will also be available for landing parties on Mars.
Space Food,
United States
The Day of the Campions
This won't end well |
Why is I feel like I've just walked into the first chapter of a John Wyndham novel?
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Amazing Anti-Thief Security Case
From a time when security devices had much more entertainment value.
Future Past
Your green lesson of the day
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Much easier to hit than a pigeon |
- Extremely stupid to use a flying camera drone because pigeon hunters have shotguns and know how to use them.
- Monumentally stupid to then complain to the press with an air of self-righteousness that makes you come off looking like no end of a pratt.
South Carolina,
United States
Rinspeed Dock+Go provides bolt-on solutions for small electric cars
Monday, 20 February 2012
ICBM away!
I don't care how drunk they were, I like it.
This is either Cold War ingenuity at its finest or a perfect example of world-class cocking about.
Cold War,
United States
Tally pen
As a professional writer, the word count function on my processor software is my constant companion.
Who knew that they had it in 1934?
On fountain pens.
Future Past
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Friday, 17 February 2012
You're not taking me seriously!
This is what happens when you don't think through your plan.
From Yanko Design (The DREADCO of the design world), comes the Swish: A specialised nappy washing machine built with pleasing Blessed Gaia first and getting the washing done second. It's solar powered, of course, uses eco-friendly "soap nuggets" (detergent is an abomination in the sight of Lord Summerisle) and dumps the poo and urine-laden waste water into the nearest pot plant. Yes, it's substandard washing (if it starts at all with that tiny photovoltaic panel) and is guaranteed to kill your plants after the first spin cycle.
It's also only big enough to take only ONE nappy at a time, so do ask your little cherub to refrain from pooing more than twice a day.
The chicken farm of Dr Moureau
Architecture student André Ford has proposed a new system for the mass production of chicken that removes the birds' cerebral cortex so that they don't experience the horrors of being packed together tightly in vertical farms.
Lobotomised chicken farms? Okay, I've been around chickens on a daily basis for much of my life and I've yet to see one "horrified", but we'll let that pass. So, aside from avoiding the offence of any alleged chicken sensibilities, why are we doing this?
(T)o meet the rising demand for meat, particularly poultry.
And this is going to do this, how? Apparently, architecture students aren't required to run any numbers as they work out daft schemes. This chap plans to somehow raise these chickens (How?) until they're large enough to perform brain surgery on, then lobotomise them, and stick them in machines to feed, water, cleanse and massage them until slaughtering time. Aside from having a full-time poultry neurosurgeon on call, how in the name of Colonel Sanders is this supposed to be cost effective? Putting a battery farm full of chickens into intensive care units? It would make Wagyu beef look like the lunchtime special.
Future Food
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Please specify which revolution
Our triumph in space is the hymn to Soviet country! |
Oh, dear |
An object lesson about why you should always step backwards and take a good look at what your message is actually saying.
Cold War,
Science Fiction,
United States,
Obama tries to stamp out heresy
Mr Barack Hussein Obama's trampling on religious freedom by demanding that the Catholic church pay for the contraceptives it opposes by doctrine is nearly as bewildering as Mr Soetoro's counterattack when he was called on it. Glenn Reynolds has the best take on this:
It’s as if we passed a law requiring mosques to sell bacon and then, when people objected, responded by saying “What’s wrong with bacon? You’re trying to ban bacon!!!!
United States
Feature: Small modular nuclear reactors - the future of energy?
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Gone with the wind
Stephen Rose and colleagues from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, modelled the risk hurricanes might pose to turbines at four proposed wind farm sites. They found that nearly half of the planned turbines are likely to be destroyed over the 20-year life of the farms. Turbines shut down in high winds, but hurricane-force winds can topple them.
Fifty percent destruction over their operating life span. If that was true of any other power source, they'd be shut down the next day.
These aren't power plants, they're totem poles.
How Americans sound to the British
United States
Future fashion: 1893
There are a lot of misses in this article from the Strand, but they got the '70s spot on.
Via Retronaut.
Via Retronaut.
Future Past
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Falklands morale
Given a free choice, I have no doubt that the Political Class of all three parties would hand the lot over to the Argies with a big, fat grin.
British Army,
Falklands War
From the Seatte Times (the walking dead of the newspaper world):
Electric cars, no longer an oddity, make few inroads on marketIt's a long feature article that tries to put a brave, green face on the situation, but when it's boiled down it's prety simple: Due to US subsidies, mandates, regulations, nationalisation and outright blackmail, car makers are cranking out electric cars, but
Liberty's a pain, isn't it, Mr Soetoro?
Motor Car,
United States
Monday, 13 February 2012
“Go to Europe and America and get a good education.”
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Bin Laden's final banner |
If the civilised world has any brains, they'll be playing the propaganda value of this revelation for all it's worth. If we're going to win this war, it will only be if the enemy on all fronts is humiliated and demoralised.
St Valentine's tip
It's not Blackpool, but what is? |
St Valentine's Day is tomorrow and if you don't know what to get your sweetie, consider this as a last-minute present. The Waldorf-Astoria Maldives is offering an all-in luxury package for two that's a snip at only $25,000 (less airfare).
Meanwhile, the wife and I made due with dinner and a film followed by a chocolate cheesecake from the supermarket on Saturday that set us back a whopping $82.37.
Mars time
If you meet someone who needs to know the time on Mars so badly that he sports this watch and he doesn't work for the jet Propulsion Laboratory, then for heaven's sake don't go to the pub with him.
He's likely as not to get drunk and pull off his face.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Friday, 10 February 2012
Scratch green, find red
Lord Summerisle demonstrates an effective environmental policy |
Environmentalists, all too often, think that the best way to go about solving the problem is to get everyone to do as they--we, I included--do. I don’t eat meat. I don’t drive. But individual do-gooderism won’t solve global warming.
And it may actually be counter-productive, for two reasons. First, there’s a well-documented psychological phenomenon called “single-action bias.” You do one thing, and you move on. You carry your groceries home by foot, in a cotton canvas bag, and you think that single act of environmental kindness makes up for other sins.So, does this mean he'd prefer a no-growth Socialist state complete with a command economy? According to Wagner,
No! It means moving to a smart growth economy. We know that infinite material growth on a finite planet isn’t possible. By some measures, we are already using 1.5 planets or more to support our current lifestyles--and that’s in a world where billions still live in abject poverty. So yes, dematerialization is the word of the day.
Translation: "Yes, absolutely; right down to building wicker men. But none of this will apply to me or the Elite, of course." And why is he a would-be green commissar?
I just never grew up.
Thought so.
Avengers Casglu!
A delightful headline from referring to Prince Harry qualifying for Apache helicopter duty:
Captain Wales completes Apache training"Captain Wales": It sounds like some third-string Marvel Comics hero.
British Army,
Royal Family
Thursday, 9 February 2012
London by Gondola
An 1899 look at what London would be like if the capitol was rebuilt along the lines of Venice.
Aside from everyone in the Underground drowning, all the electrical and telephone cables shorting out and the sewage having nowhere to go, it's really quite charming.
Future Past,
Quota Tory
Idiot & traitor |
David Cameron may set targets for women in boardroomsThe article then goes one to say:
David Cameron warned that the UK’s inability to exploit women’s full potential as entrepreneurs was “failing our whole economy”.
What a phenomenally sexist thing to say. Do women have special entrepreneurial powers that poor, benighted men lack? Is Britain lagging behind because those feeble creatures known as (pardon my French) "men" are in executive positions? Heaven forfend that the nation should be at the mercy of masculine inferiority.
Dear, God, What a blithering ass of a traitor this country is lumbered with.
The real twist of the dagger is that there isn't any alternative unless we toss the entire political class out en mass.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Galatians 6:7
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Hit 'em with yer hand bag |
Britain had to plead with US to take part in Iran flotilla
Britain's mammoth contribution? HMS Argyll, a Type 23 frigate.
That's right: One frigate.
What a stinking end consecutive British governments and the current junta have led us to. In my father's day, we had the largest, most powerful navy in the world. In my day, it was still a respectable second. Today? It's damn joke. Now that traitor Mr Cameron is acting all surprised when Britain isn't being taken seriously any longer.
Well, sunshines, you had a choice between defending the realm and paying a load of chavs to sit on their backsides all day drinking lager while jumped up town clerks draw down fat pensions for the last three decades of their lives and you chose the latter.
I hope you're all proud.
Update: Now we couldn't even fight Libya. Pathetic.
Royal Navy,
United States
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"The car of the year 2000" |
Future Past,
Motor Car
Computer pub
God only knows what I'd end up drinking after trying to dial this thing five pints into the evening.
Future Past
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
We apologise for the inconvenience
If you've been visiting the site today, you may have run into a malware warning. With Sherlock Holmes deductive reasoning and a lot of clicking, I identified the source as a recent post that's since been deleted and normal service will now resume.
Chez Szondy
Presenting the new London rubbish bins that will cost the taxpayers only £1,100 a pop. They have wifi, they have an LCD screen begging to be vandalised and they're bomb proof. The one thing they can't do is accept rubbish unless it's the size of an envelope to get through that ludicrous little slot.
My head hurts.
Rules of engagement
A few more insane prosecutions like this and we won't have an army because no honourable man will serve in it.
British Army,
R J MacReady, call your service
This will not end well |
The team is apparently alive and well despite a week of suspicious radio silence,.And,
Last week we thought that might happen again–if anyone could even hail the scientists–because conditions are getting worse, but no one heard from the team in several days. Then on Monday, the Russian news agency announced the team's success.Then,
But scientists want to reach it because it could hold weird forms of life that survive in deep cold and with no sun.
Sealed for 14 million years? Weird life forms? Base cut off by bad weather? Lost radio contact? Then the team calmly says that everything's fine?
Send in the flame throwers!
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