Saturday, 30 September 2006
Silly Season
In the spirit of true science, a group of people with way too much time on their hands drops 50 lbs of silly putty off the top of a car park.
Friday, 29 September 2006
Fat Police
Others may disagree, but I, for one, welcome our dietary overlords. This annoying little thing called personal liberty is far too great an impediment to a healthy, progressive, go-ahead lifestyle that we all aspire to-- and if we don't, the State will make damn sure we do. Remember, the Party needs healthy workers, comrades.
Thursday, 28 September 2006
Honour Restored
Lance-corporal Windsor was unavailable for comment because he's a goat.
Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Tiger Tanaka (1922-2006)
Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond.
Sayanora, Tiger. We'll miss you.
Deutschland Dhimmitude
You play into the hands of the radicals. You are telling them: your tactics are working. This is a victory for the radicals. It's weakening the moderate Muslims who are our allies in this battle of ideas.One of the world's greatest composers has been muzzled out of fear of the barbarians. Welcome to the Dark Ages.
Update: Meanwhile, Belgium is having problems of its own.
Rod Serling, Call Your Service
Doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo.
Vidkun Quisling, Call Your Service
Lord Haw Haw, Benedict Arnold and Judas were unavailable for comment.
Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Real World Intrusion
Back tomorrow.
Monday, 25 September 2006
Wang Chung
I'm going to be a bit busy today, so I suggest that in the meantime everybody Wang Chung tonight, as it were.
Sunday, 24 September 2006
The Wizard of Speed & Time
A marvelous little gem from Mike Jittlov, an incredibly talented special effects artist with a love of cinema, but who never broke into the big time because he never could play by the rules. This one is a short piece called The Wizard of Speed & Time that he made into a semi-autobiographical feature film of the same title in 1989.
Think of it as an ode to the joys of drinking way too much caffeine.
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Tesla Memorial
I'd say something about it sparking new interest, but that's going too low even for me.
Dying in Dhimmitude
In the first phase of development it has been agreed that the graves will face north east.What a great slogan: Keep Britain Tidy, Accept Dhimmitude.
For people of the Muslim faith this fits in with a religious requirement, but it will also ensure a tidy appearance for the site as a whole.
Tip o' the hat to Drinking From Home.
Bin Laden Dead?
We've been down this road too many times since Tora Bora, but we can always hope. One thing is for certain, the fact that he hasn't even been seen on video for a couple of years makes me suspect that he's a brain in a jar by now-- possibly awaiting installation in a new cyborg killbot.
Friday, 22 September 2006
Thursday, 21 September 2006
Sauron, Call Your Service
One Ring to rule them, and one Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them, and in the dark bind them.It isn't quite like that, but the Remember Ring is a first step. Slip this on your finger and it's programmed to heat up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit on a specific day *cough* anniversary *cough* every hour for 24 hours-- and it runs on a thermopile that makes electricity from your body heat, so you can't hope for the batteries to run down.
My wife is fitting me up for one as we speak.
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.This isn't just a problem for the West, but for moderate Muslims, who tend not to have the theological chops of the fundamentalists, as well. I sincerely hope that it isn't that bad, but we'd be fools not to consider the possibility that what is needed is not just to defeat the Jihadists in the field, but to begin an Islamic Reformation to undercut their ideological roots.
Just Not Getting It
Imagine a German immigrant doing that in Britain in 1943 and you'll see that both the government and the Muslim "community" have a very long way to go.
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Anti-Terrorist Fish
Monday, 18 September 2006
Big Brother is Shouting at You
If this sort of thing goes on, Middlesbrough will soon enjoy scenes like this (courtesy of George Orwell):
'Smith!' screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. '6079 Smith W.! Yes, you! Bend lower, please! You can do better than that. You're not trying. Lower, please! That's better, comrade. Now stand at ease, the whole squad, and watch me.'What happy times are ahead of us!
A sudden hot sweat had broken out all over Winston's body. His face remained completely inscrutable. Never show dismay! Never show resentment! A single flicker of the eyes could give you away. He stood watching while the instructress raised her arms above her head and -- one could not say gracefully, but with remarkable neatness and efficiency -- bent over and tucked the first joint of her fingers under her toes.
'There, comrades! That's how I want to see you doing it. Watch me again. I'm thirty-nine and I've had four children. Now look.' She bent over again. 'You see my knees aren't bent. You can all do it if you want to,' she added as she straightened herself up. 'Anyone under forty-five is perfectly capable of touching his toes. We don't all have the privilege of fighting in the front line, but at least we can all keep fit. Remember our boys on the Malabar front! And the sailors in the Floating Fortresses! Just think what they have to put up with. Now try again. That's better, comrade, that's much better,' she added encouragingly as Winston, with a violent lunge, succeeded in touching his toes with knees unbent, for the first time in several years.
Religion of Peace
You infidels and despotic, we will continue our jihad and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism when God's rule is established governing all people and nations...Perhaps "refutes" isn't the word I'm looking for.
We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose head tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion or the sword.
I shall refrain from doting doggy anecdotes... For now.
Sunday, 17 September 2006
Quote of the Day
We live in a world of terrorism where evil acts are being regularly perpetrated in the name of your faith.
And because it is your faith that is being invoked as justification for these evil acts, it is your problem.
You can't wish it away, or ignore it, just because it has been caused by others.
Instead, speak up and condemn terrorism, defend your role in the way of life that we all share here in Australia.
Saturday, 16 September 2006
Pope Wars
Meanwhile, His Holiness has apologised for any offence his speech might have caused, but whether this will be taken as abject enough by the Jihadists remains to be seen, as this image shows:
Ralph Peters explains the significance of this peculiar slogan:
Look at that sign. "Mr. Pope be with in your limits." What limits? Classic Islamic law stipulates that Christians may live in peace in Islamic societies as long as they accept second-class status as dhimmis, which involves living within certain limits: not holding authority over Muslims, paying the jizya tax, not building new churches or repairing old ones, and...not insulting Allah or Muhammad. If they believe that a Christian has insulted them in some way, even inadvertently, his contract of protection -- dhimma -- is voided.In other words, the Jihadists will accept the existence of those who do not agree with them as, at most, strictly a matter of sufferance and that the Pope's duty is to demonstrate that he and all of Christendom are subservient to the umma.
Frankly, instead of apologising, the Pope should have quoted US Army General Anthony C. McAuliffe who, when called on by the Germans to surrender during the siege of Bastogne in 1944, said,
Nuts.Update: In a move surprising to no one, the BBC falls squarely on the side of dhimmitude and blames the Pope's lack of "sensitivity" and his unreasonable policy of demanding religious freedom for Christians in Muslim countries.
How dare he!
Friday, 15 September 2006
BBC NEWS: Murder probe after man found dead
Cartoon Echoes
Cue the riots.
Thursday, 14 September 2006
No, Mr. Bond. I Expect You to Lose a Finger.
Where's the fun in that?
Telegraph: Gibraltar, the last resort of Neanderthal man
Spin And Spin Again
K9 was unavailable for comment.
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
Butter Gauntlets
What the heck is going on here? Come on, lads. This isn't rocket... Hang on. Never mind.
BF Lens
Missing Step Two
Given that the North Koreans have in the past been reduced to eating grass, one wonders what the rabbits are going to eat.
Telegraph: Hedgehog Mafia to hunt down pests as part of garden's sustainable policy
Irrational Rationality
Flying Into Absurdity
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
Great Inventions: Hedgehog Division
Update: Link repaired
Another Nail
Hobbit Hole of the Apocalypse
How well it does against Nazgul seeking the One Ring, we aren't sure.
Monday, 11 September 2006
Five Years On
I still remain optimistic about our ability to defeat the Islamofascists, but the question is, how commited are we to the fight and how high a price are we going to have to pay for our hesitation. It is increasingly clear that unless Western governments recognise that this is literally war and that if we don't face the Jihadists squarely and without apology today, we will be forced into something very close to total war tomorrow that will be fought not only in foreign lands, but in the streets of Europe's capitals.
However, there are still many bright spots of optimism, such as a recent opinion piece in the Las Vegas Review-Journal where American Muslim Aslam Abdullah responds to Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, who has called on Muslims to kill at least one American in the next two weeks.
That sort of unequivocal siding with civilisation is what gives me hope.There is nothing common between you and us.
We stand for life, you want to destroy it.
We accept the divine scheme of diversity in the world and you want to impose conformity.
We respect every human being simply because he or she is a creation of the divine, and you hate people based on their religion and ethnicity.
We support freedom and liberty and justice, and you promote bigotry, murder and strangulation.
You will never be able to find a sympathetic voice amidst us. Our differences with others will never lead us to do things that are fundamentally wrong in our faith, i. e. taking the lives of innocent people and killing others because they are different.
So on Sept. 11, when you will be hiding in your caves, we will be out in the streets paying tribute to those who you killed because you failed to see the beauty of life. We will condemn you once again the same way we have been doing ever since 9/11 because we are Muslim Americans.
Sunday, 10 September 2006
Big Brother is Listening to You
This attitude toward air passengers is not only vile, it is the starkest example of why we must stop regarding the Islamofascist threat as a law enforcement problem, scrap the PC idiocy that treats everyone as a potentional terrorist and take the war to the Jihadists and their sponsors. If we make our airliners into what are essentially prison ships, we will soon see the age of air travel come to a close for all save those who can afford to flit about in Lear jets.
Dancing.. of the FUTURE!
The future according to General Motors.
Surprisingly, it involves motor cars.
Apostasy? What Apostasy?
A priest with the Church of England who converted to Hinduism has been allowed to continue to officiate as a cleric.Turn off the lights, lads.The Rev David Hart’s diocese renewed his licence this summer even though he had moved to India, changed his name to Ananda and daily blesses a congregation of Hindus with fire previously offered up to Nagar, the snake god. He also “recites Gayatri Mantram with the same devotion with which he celebrates the Eucharist”, according to The Hindu, India’s national newspaper.
Bang Goes Another Regeneration
We Aren't Terrorists... Yet
There are a few bad apples in the Muslim community who are doing terrible acts and we want to root them out, but some police officers and sections of the media are demonising Muslims, treating them as if they're all terrorists --— and that encourages other people to do the same.Translation: Lay off or we'll make 7/7 look like a cakewalk.
If that demonisation continues, then Britain will have to deal with two million Muslim terrorists --— 700,000 of them in London. If you attack a whole community, it becomes despondent and aggressive.
To quote Slartibartfast, it's a sort of threat, you see.
Saturday, 9 September 2006
From the Ministry of Gnomes
Friday, 8 September 2006
Another Nail
Electric Agas, which have a lower installation cost and no need for servicing, are continuing to increase in popularity, the company said. This type of oven can also be used outside the UK, where it has been difficult to get the right kind of fuel for a traditional Aga.Electric Agas! Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.
ABC News: Danish Immigrants Fear Effect of Raids
The immigrant neighborhood of Vollsmose is known throughout Denmark for the wrong reasons. To many, unemployment and crime have made it a poster child for failed integration, and residents fear this week's terror raids will set it back further.Perhaps the "residents" should try helping to fight the terrorists rather than sitting on their hands and whinging while others do it for them
Thursday, 7 September 2006
Traffic Safety: Canadian Division
Wednesday, 6 September 2006
Q, Call Your Service
Lowering the Bar
Take the example of the BBC story titled "Canada divided as losses mount." I must have missed something. What latter-day Paschendale has Canada gone through? What mowing down of the flower of the dominion's youth has come to pass. Part of the answer is,
Nevertheless, the five deaths are the highest number sustained by the Canadian military, in a 24-hour period, since its troops were first despatched to Afghanistan in 2002.Five? That's not a lot, but maybe it's the straw that broke the camel's back. This is five out of how many?
Since then, one Canadian diplomat and 32 Canadian soldiers have died, many during the last year.Uh huh. Thirty three deaths are always tragic and the loss to their families and friends should never be disregarded, but for a nation in time of war thirty three deaths (including one civilian) would be the cause of prayers of thanksgiving, not irresponsible articles about "mounting casualties." The final quote is priceless.
It could be that Canadians are developing an immunity to the once-shocking sight of coffins draped in the maple leaf flag, and the mournful sound of those military bagpipes.The BBC needs to step back from its "anti-war" (anti-Coalition) agenda. Maybe the Canadians aren't so much "developing an immunity to the once-shocking sight" as they are unwilling to make an alpine range out of very small molehills.
Tuesday, 5 September 2006
Dhimmitude in the House
This is the same NHS, by the bye, that tried to remove Bibles from hospitals because they are "offensive."
I Hope He Didn't Have a Grant for This
Monday, 4 September 2006
The Emperor's New Noise
Sunday, 3 September 2006
Keeping the Faith
You don't want to come off like David Warren, the columnist who accused the journalists of cowardice and feels that they should have died a martyr's death-- an argument that is as narrow as it is heartless. Very few of us have ever been in a position to judge those men. After all, even St. Peter denied Our Lord in His darkest hour and he went on to be the first pope.
Alternatively, you don't want go in the other direction like the usually reliable Captain Ed and all but claim that submitting to forced conversion is somehow a demonstration of Christian virtue and a way of refusing to play the Jihadist's game. This sort of sophistry fails to recognise that it is possible to stand up one's own faith and not be a "fundamentalist" and it is equally possible forgive a man's surrendering his convictions to save his life, but still recognise that there was a moral failing involved.
Mark Steyn, however, has found the sweet-spot in his recent column where he argues that what the journalists did is "understandable," but that the reaction that this is no big deal is a poor reflection on our side.
If you're a Muslim, the video is anything but meaningless. Not even the dumbest jihadist believes these infidels are suddenly true believers. Rather, it confirms the central truth Osama and the mullahs have been peddling -- that the West is weak, that there's nothing -- no core, no bedrock -- nothing it's not willing to trade.In other words, you can "no big deal" a civilisation right into oblivion.
By the way, that deafening silence you hear is all the Muslim "leaders" in both East and West condemning the conversions.
Saturday, 2 September 2006
Neville Chamberlain Award: Nuclear Division
All the spine of a sack of jellyfish.
Cleansing the Palate
And to take that foul taste out of your mouth, here is another Peter Sellers advert from 35 years ago extolling TWA's cabin service.
It isn't specifically mentioned, but it's a fair bet that they let you sleep onboard as well back then.
Fly the Unfriendly Skies
According to Miss Ilieva's mother, Air Malta was all heart:
"Air Malta officials said the aeroplane was not a place for sleeping. But I have not seen any signs saying 'No sleeping', I have only seen signs saying 'No smoking',"I don't know what is more appalling; the attitude that sleeping isn't allowed on a plane, or that in this time of heightened airline security a sleeping girl could be completely overlooked.
This is why I travel by boat.
Friday, 1 September 2006
Die Abschließende Grenze
Now that Lockheed has closed the deal here's a preview of the future that the Orion is going to usher in. Though for some reason, it's all in German.
Power Woman
Her Majesty the Queen, who has the power to negotiate and ratify treaties, appoint and dismiss ministers and ambassadors, dissolve Parliament, declare war and in whose name all law courts sit, was not available for comment.
Wicker Man Basket-Case
Usually, it's the latter; in which case we can only hope that this... thing will quietly disappear into whatever land where old copies of Johnny Mnemonic dwell.